If you have ever misplaced or lost something important and wasted a lot of time trying to locate it, then you have probably thought of finding a better solution to this problem. In the course of your research, you have probably heard of Bluetooth trackers, such as SpotyPal trackers. When you hear of Bluetooth trackers, a key finder is probably what comes in your mind. However, there is more to SpotyPal trackers than this. Indeed, SpotyPal Bluetooth trackers have a lot of features that set them apart from other ordinary key finders. These features make it possible for the devices to be used for many different purposes.
Below is a rundown of some of the unique features that are associated with SpotyPal trackers.
Separation Alert
Unlike other trackers, SpotyPal tracker is not just about helping you track your lost items; it can also help you to ensure that you don’t lose them in the first place. The SpotyPal tracker’s separation alert feature ensures that when the connection between the device and your Smartphone is lost, your phone alerts you. Therefore, if you are having lunch at a restaurant and you happen to forget your wallet on the table, you will be alerted before going far away from the table. Similarly, if you happen to leave your phone on the table, the device is going to beep sharply to notify you that something is amiss. This feature makes SpotyPal the choice insofar as keeping your items safe is concerned.

SpotyPal SOS Button
Another surprising benefit of SpotyPal tracker has to do with the fact that the device can help you and your loved ones stay safe. For instance, if you are lost and or stuck without any means to get home, pressing the device’s SOS panic button will alert your SOS contacts to give you the direction or offer any other assistance. Unlike older tracking technologies, SpotyPal tracker will give your contact your exact location, and this will make it even easier for them to find or assist you.

Similarly, if you are under a threat and it is impossible for you to take up your phone and call for help, then you can simply press the SOS button to send an alert to your predefined list of contacts. Last but not least, the SpotyPal panic button can be very useful in keeping the elderly safe. For instance, if you have an elderly relative spending most of his or her time at home alone, getting them the SpotyPal device will ensure that they can easily alert you or other trusted persons in case they need any assistance.
Wake Up Alarm
If you have to wake up at a particular time, then you may need your phone’s alarm clock to wake you up. However, going to your bedroom with your Smartphone poses the risk of interfering with your sleep and even denying you adequate sleep.
The good news is that with your SpotyPal device, you do not have to go to your bedroom with your phone. The device comes with an alarm clock feature that you can count on to wake you up at the time of your choice.

The Nearby Alert
The nearby alert is also quite a unique feature that comes with the SpotyPal tracker. This feature makes it even easier for you to find your missing items. Once you have activated the Nearby Alert feature, the SpotyPal app on your Smartphone will notify you when your phone manages to trace your SpotyPal device or when the device comes within range. For instance, if you are waiting for your luggage at the airport’s baggage reclaim area, activating the Nearby Alert feature will ensure that your Smartphone automatically notifies you when your luggage is on its way.
Crowd Finding
When an item is missing and the device attached to it is out of range, you can try to locate it by finding its last known location. However, to expedite the process of finding your item, the SpotyPal tracking device comes with the crowd finding feature that you can make use of. This unique SpotyPal feature will enable you to report about your missing items to the Crowd Finding Community so that other people can help you in locating your item. This will go a long way in making the process of tracking your missing items more efficient.

Overall, it is apparent that since you are always at risk of losing or misplacing your important items such as wallet, mobile phone, keys, pets, car, and even luggage, then it is wise to have a way of mitigating or even preventing such an eventuality. Bluetooth trackers are some of the most effective solutions to this end. However, if you are shopping for a Bluetooth tracker for this purpose, it is wise to remember that although all Bluetooth trackers basically work the same way, some brands have features that make them better than others. For instance, unlike other ordinary Bluetooth trackers, SpotyPal comes with additional features, such as the separation alert, panic button, alarm clock, and crowd finding feature, among others. As such, by choosing SpotyPal, you can rest assured that you will have a device that will help you achieve more without necessarily spending more.