Find your Keys

Losing your keys is a common problem?

SpotyPal will track your keys for you!

Your Personal Key Tracker

SpotyPal Key Finder - Key Tracker

Attach your SpotyPal device on your keychain

Relax and be sure that your keys will now always follow you!

Attach SpotyPal! You will love it.

No matter where you left your keys, SpotyPal will be your best friend to help you locate and find them again.

Choose Your Favorite Style

SpotyPal is available in 3 different colors. Choose your ideal style to perfectly match it with your personal stuff.

white SpotyPal device - key tracker


Blue Black SpotyPal device - key tracker

Navy Blue

red SpotyPal device - key tracker


Buy your SpotyPal online now!

Find a reseller in your country and place an online order.

Get your SpotyPal

Buy the Ultimate Key Finder from our Online Shop now

SpotyPal Features

Check all the unique SpotyPal features here.