tips Archives - SpotyPal Upgrade your life Thu, 17 Dec 2020 09:30:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Useful Tips to Relieve Stress and Anxiety Thu, 17 Dec 2020 09:32:14 +0000 Stress and anxiety are some of the most common types of mental illnesses. Stress is a form of psychological pain that is associated with a feeling of emotional strain. On the other hand, anxiety is a term that is used to describe feelings of unease, including fear and worry. Everyone experiences stress and anxiety [...]

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Stress and anxiety are some of the most common types of mental illnesses. Stress is a form of psychological pain that is associated with a feeling of emotional strain. On the other hand, anxiety is a term that is used to describe feelings of unease, including fear and worry. Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point in their life, and indeed, some levels of stress and anxiety are normal and even helpful. For instance, anxiety triggers the flow of adrenaline to help you fight or run from a dangerous situation. The problem arises when some people fail to control their stress and anxiety, and eventually, these feelings become more persistent and end up affecting their daily lives.

Below are some tips that you can trust to help you relieve stress and anxiety.


Meditation is also an effective way of managing stress and anxiety. There are several meditation techniques that you can use, depending on the one you find effective. For instance, you can choose to practice mindfulness, which basically requires you to be in the moment and focus on a particular sound, smell, touch, or even taste. Alternatively, you can come up with a mantra that you can repeat in your mind as you breathe deeply and slowly.

Focus on Breathin

Stress and anxiety are some of the most common types of mental illnesses. Stress is a form of psychological pain that is associated with a feeling of emotional strain. On the other hand, anxiety is a term that is used to describe feelings of unease, including fear and worry. Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point in their life, and indeed, some levels of stress and anxiety are normal and even helpful. For instance, anxiety triggers the flow of adrenaline to help you fight or run from a dangerous situation. The problem arises when some people fail to control their stress and anxiety, and eventually, these feelings become more persistent and end up affecting their daily lives.

Take a Walk

Physical exercise is known to have tremendous mental health benefits, including stress and anxiety management. Therefore, in some cases, taking a walk can go a long way in helping you reduce your stress and anxiety levels. Most importantly, walking will take you to different scenery which might positively change your frame of mind and even rejuvenate your mind and body.

Enjoy Aromatherapy

Recent research has shown that certain scents have the effect of changing brain wave activity and can even help with preventing or reducing the release of stress hormones in the body. This is why psychologists view aromatherapy as a valid stress and anxiety management technique. Therefore, when you are under intense stress or anxiety, exposing yourself to scents that you like can be quite helpful.

Listen to music

When it comes to stress and anxiety management, the power of music cannot be overlooked. Listening to different types of music can have different impacts on your overall well-being. For instance, upbeat music can make you more positive and optimistic about life while faster music has the effect of making you feel more alert. On the other hand, listening to music with a slow tempo will relax your mind and muscles, and consequently, make you feel soothed.

Create Artwork

Making use of your creativity to create something valuable can significantly improve your sense of worthiness, and consequently, boost your mental well-being. To this end, you can try coloring in an adult coloring book. Alternatively, you can learn and try creating handmade items such as mats. Such activities will not only improve your self-worth but also draw your mind from the issues that are stressing you.

Use Smart Products

Sometimes, the challenges that increase your levels of stress and anxiety can be avoided or easily solved. For instance, if you are regularly stressed by losing or misplacing your everyday items such as keys and TV remote, there are smart products that you can buy to solve this challenge. 

An example of such a product is the SpotyPal Bluetooth item finder. This device is designed with the aim of helping users easily locate their missing items or even avoid losing them in the first place. Unlike other Bluetooth trackers, SpotyPal has several features that make it really special.

An example of such a feature is the two-way separation alert. This feature can help you avoid leaving behind your phone or other everyday items, such as keys, wallet, and even backpack. Another great SpotyPal feature is the Panic button that you can press to send an SOS message to a predefined user in case you find yourself in danger in a situation where it is not possible for you to make a call.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that stress and anxiety are serious mental health issues that can significantly affect your ability to handle your everyday tasks. The good news is that there are many tips that you can count on to manage your stress and anxiety levels, the smartest one being using SpotyPal and other smart devices to make your life easier. Invest in SpotyPal today and avoid the stress and anxiety that is associated with losing or misplacing your everyday items.

Panic button

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How to help a child not to lose things Thu, 03 Sep 2020 08:52:17 +0000 Kids are quite susceptible to losing their belongings due to several reasons. For instance, children lack the ability to multitask, and therefore, once they find something new and more interesting to do, they tend to forget keeping what they are currently holding in its right place. Besides, the modern lifestyle keeps children excessively busy, [...]

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Kids are quite susceptible to losing their belongings due to several reasons. For instance, children lack the ability to multitask, and therefore, once they find something new and more interesting to do, they tend to forget keeping what they are currently holding in its right place. Besides, the modern lifestyle keeps children excessively busy, and this makes it difficult for them to focus on keeping their stuff properly. While it can be quite frustrating to have your children lose their belongings often, you have to remember that getting angry and yelling at your child will not work. Instead, you need to help your child to come up with a strategy that can help them learn to keep their belongings safe.

But how exactly can you help your child to stop losing their stuff?

Teach Your Child to Be Organized

Being disorganized is one of the reasons why children and even adults lose or misplace their items. When there are no designated places for each item, your children are likely going to misplace some of their belongings. Therefore, if you would like to help them stop losing their items, you have to teach them to be organized. Help them to reorganize their rooms and designate areas where they must put their things all the time. For instance, you can have a cabinet or a drawer for toys or stationery, and encourage them to always put their respective items there when they are not using them.

Teach Your Child the Value of Things

Most of the things children lose have to be replaced, and as you know, replacing lost items costs money. Furthermore, when your child loses an item, you have to waste valuable time looking for the lost item. This explains when parents get so frustrated when their children keep losing stuff. But instead of getting angry at your child, you need to start teaching them about the value of their item that you have bought them. Let them know that you had to spend a lot of time working for you to earn enough to buy their stuff and that every time they lose something; you have to work more to replace it. If they don’t seem to take it seriously, you can reduce their pocket money to cover for the cost of replacing lost items. By doing so, they will start learning the value of their belongings.

Teach Your Child to Prepare School Bag Beforehand

For you to ensure that your child does not misplace or forget the items they need to take to school, you need to encourage them to put the items in their school bag the previous evening. This will go a long way in saving you the time you could be forced to waste looking for your child’s missing items in the morning. You may also have to teach your child to create and use a checklist to ensure that he or she does not end up forgetting any of the items they need to take to school. Using a checklist will also help in ensuring that your child does not forget any of his or her valuable belongings at school.

Attach a Bluetooth Tracker

If your child tends to misplace a favorite toy, school bag, or another valuable item all the time, then you can help him or her by attaching a Bluetooth tracker, such as SpotyPal, to the item. Although there are several Bluetooth items finders in the market, SpotyPal stands out for several reasons.

For instance, the tracker has the separation alert feature, which will ensure that your child gets notified when he or she forgets an item and gets out of range. SpotyPal is also known for the not to forget lists feature, which will ensure that your child does not forget some of his or her valuable items.

Other amazing features that are associated with SpotyPal item finder is the last seen location feature and the crowd finding feature. The last seen location feature will help you to easily establish your child’s missing item’s last known location. With the crowd finding community, other SpotyPal users can help you find your child’s lost items.


As you can see, children are susceptible to losing their valuable items. As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your child to overcome this challenge. There are several things you can to this end, the smartest one being the use of a Bluetooth tracker. A Bluetooth tracker will make it more unlikely for your child to forget or misplace his or her items. The device will also make it easier for you to find your child’s missing item even when it is out of range. If you are shopping for a reliable Bluetooth tracker, SpotyPal is your best bet. Buy this item finder today and rest assured that your child’s ability to keep stuff safe will improve.


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Useful tips to improve your morning routine Thu, 06 Aug 2020 08:41:39 +0000 Do you have a morning routine that works? Most people do the same things every morning, subconsciously. However, morning routines are not always healthy. If you find yourself reaching for your smartphone to go through emails or social media updates, it is time to improve your morning routine. Distractions in the morning do not [...]

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Do you have a morning routine that works? Most people do the same things every morning, subconsciously. However, morning routines are not always healthy. If you find yourself reaching for your smartphone to go through emails or social media updates, it is time to improve your morning routine. Distractions in the morning do not only slow you down but also suck up your energy.

Keep reading to learn about a few tips to reclaim your mornings.

Wake Up 15 minutes earlier

Starting your day early improves your productivity and concentration. You can perform essential tasks without having to worry about interruptions from other members of your household. Waking up 15 minutes earlier means you will be early for school or work. It also means that you can start doing your daily duties without interruption from colleagues. Your brain is most alert in the morning, so you can think more clearly and make better decisions. You will have more energy throughout the day, and you can achieve most of your goals for the day. If your current morning routine has you rushing through your morning, consider waking up a few minutes earlier.

Prepare the Night Before

Preparing the night before gives you time to go through your morning routine with no rush. You are unlikely to forget anything if you get everything ready before going to bed. Before going to bed, think about the things you usually rush to do in the morning. Create a checklist for everything you need to do or bring with you.

SpotyPal is a planning device that may transform your morning routine. You can use it to create not to forget lists with the items you wish to carry with you when you leave in the morning. SpotyPal does the hard work for you. The two-way separation alert feature helps you find belongings. If, for example, you leave an important item behind, your smartphone will start ringing to remind you. Your smartphone will start ringing if you forget it.

The item finder feature comes in handy when you misplace items such as your keys or wallets. Set your phone to send you a notification when it establishes a connection on SpotyPal. It saves you a lot of time. Instead of wasting time looking for your keys or wallet, you can use it to do something more productive. If you lose your items, the Crowd Finding Community may help you find them.

Start with exercise

Start every day with exercise. Physical activity is good for both your physical and mental health. It triggers the release of hormones that kick start your energy and improve your mood. Research suggests that being exposed to early morning light can make you feel more awake all through the day. It promotes your performance on the job, fights fatigue, and improves your stamina. People who exercise have more energy and endurance to remain active throughout the job. Exercising at least three times a week may boost your energy levels by up to 20%. It can reduce fatigue by up to 65%.

Focus Your Positive Energy

A great way to start your morning is by taking some time to focus some positive energy to get you through the day. Some ways to achieve it include meditation, affirmations, and visual exercises. Regular meditation puts in you in a good mood to start the day. It can improve your immune system and relieve stress.

Eat a healthy breakfast

No matter how busy your mornings may be, it is important to make time for a healthy breakfast. Even though it is easy to skip breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. It jumpstarts your metabolism, making it possible to burn lots of calories throughout the day. Breakfast should give you a minimum of 25% of your daily nutrition and energy needs. It should be rich in protein and fiber. Opt for whole fruits rather than juices to maximize your fiber intake. Other high-fiber food options include oats, whole-grain cereals, and vegetables. They will keep you full for longer. Protein foods include eggs, beans, cheese, and nuts. Limit your consumption of sugary and processed food during breakfast.

Many people rush through their mornings and skip breakfast because they have no time to prepare it. The goal should be to prepare your ingredients before going to bed. If you have limited time to sit down and eat, pack something to go.

Stick to a Plan

Once you have come up with your new morning routine, stick to it. It is useless to have a plan if you are not going to follow through with it. Doing the same things in the same order every morning takes the stress out of your mornings.


In conclusion, your morning routine affects the rest of your day. It influences your productivity, concentration, and mood. SpotyPal device is a unique choice for organizing your routine. It ensures that you do not forget anything and makes it possible to find missing items. You can attach it to anything, including your wallet, luggage, and keys. It is compatible with most smartphones, and you can track different items independently.


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