lone workers Archives - SpotyPal https://www.spotypal.com/blog/tag/lone-workers/ Upgrade your life Mon, 15 Feb 2021 13:45:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Why Do I Always Lose Things? https://www.spotypal.com/blog/why-do-i-always-lose-things/ Tue, 16 Feb 2021 09:43:45 +0000 https://www.spotypal.com/?p=5161 Losing things is quite a common occurrence. Almost everyone has lost or misplaced something in their life. It is estimated that an average person loses 3000 items in their lifetime and spend about one year of their life searching for them. Statistics also show that about two-thirds of Americans spend about $50 annually replacing [...]

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Losing things is quite a common occurrence. Almost everyone has lost or misplaced something in their life. It is estimated that an average person loses 3000 items in their lifetime and spend about one year of their life searching for them. Statistics also show that about two-thirds of Americans spend about $50 annually replacing lost items. Some of the most commonly lost items include Smartphones, keys, wallets, and TV Remotes, among others.

But why exactly do we lose things what can be done to prevent it?

Why Do We Lose Things

There are many reasons why humans are susceptible to losing things. Some of the most common ones include:

Normal Forgetfulness

Forgetting is a natural process through which the brain replaces old information with newer information that it considers more useful and relevant. Unfortunately, some of the information that the brain might consider irrelevant may be needed for you to remember where you placed your keys, mobile phone, or wallet, and if it has been deleted, you will have to spend some time trying to figure out where you placed some of your everyday items. As such, normal forgetfulness is one of the main reasons why we end up misplacing or even losing some of our belongings.

Stress, Fatigue, and Multitasking

Modern life is very busy and demanding. Imagine all the things you need to do in a day: preparing children for school, cleaning your house, going to work, filling some documents, visiting a dentist, and picking children from school, among others. Sometimes, there is less time in a day than you need to accomplish all the tasks, and you may be forced to multitask. Consequently, fatigue and mental stress will eventually catch up with you, compromising your cognitive abilities. When this happens, you might end up forgetting essential things, including where you placed your mobile phone or even where you parked your car.

We Are Humans

Another reason why we lose things is simply that we are humans, and we have things to lose. If you had nothing, you wouldn’t have to worry about losing something. But since we are the most advanced life form known, we have made or bought a lot of items to make our lives more convenient, and we cannot even imagine how our lives would be without them. Unfortunately, this also means we have more things we are likely to lose.

Human Mind is Limited

Modern life is extremely complicated, and therefore, there are a lot of challenges that you have to contend with on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the human mind is limited, and it can only handle so much. This means that we are likely to be overwhelmed by the complexities of our world, which makes us susceptible to forgetting and losing our everyday items.

What is The Solution for Losing Things?

From the foregoing, it is clear that losing things is human nature, and whether we like it or not, it will happen in one way or another. However, this does not mean that we are entirely helpless. Indeed, having known that we all have this weakness, there are several things we can start doing right away to minimize the risk of losing our everyday items. Some of the steps that you can take to this end include:

Reorganize Your House

Lack of an organizational paradigm in your house is one of the reasons why you tend to misplace your everyday items. This is because you end placing your things all over the place, creating randomness with which your brain cannot keep up. For you to stop misplacing things in your house, you need to reorganize it and have designated places to keep the items you are most likely to misplace. For instance, you can have a bowl on a table beside the door where you can place your keys when you come house. You can also have a drawer dedicated for items such as wallet, car keys, and glasses, among others, and ensure that you put the items there when you are not using them. It is also important for you to get rid of clutter to make it easier for you to locate items when they go missing.

Be Mindful When Putting Things Away

This has to do with paying attention as opposed to flinging stuff willy-nilly. If you have a habit of misplacing a particular item say your TV remote, you need to pause and take and second to focus on what is going on next time you are putting it down. This will help you to build up a mental map that can help you to easily locate your everyday items.

Invest in SpotyPal

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that can help you to easily locate your missing items. When you attach the device to an item you are likely to lose, you can use your Smartphone to locate the item in case it goes missing.

The device also has a two-way separation alert, and therefore, it can also function as a phone finder. For instance, when you forget your phone, the device will ring to notify you before going too far. Therefore, in addition to helping you find missing items easily, SpotyPal can help with ensuring that you do not lose them in the first place.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that losing everyday items is a problem that a lot of people struggle with. Unfortunately, this means that they have to spend a lot of time and money looking for missing items and replacing the lost ones. The good news is that we are not helpless since there are deliberate steps that we can all take to avoid losing our everyday items. For instance, if there is an item that you tend to misplace all the time, you can have a designated area where you can always place it when you are not using it. But the most effective solution to this problem involves the use of smart devices, such as the SpotyPal item finder. The device has features that will make it easier for you to find your missing items or even avoid losing them in the first place.

The post Why Do I Always Lose Things? appeared first on SpotyPal.

How to Increase Lone Workers Safety https://www.spotypal.com/blog/how-to-increase-lone-workers-safety/ Tue, 01 Dec 2020 08:26:06 +0000 https://www.spotypal.com/?p=4843 A lone worker is an employee whose role involves working in isolation from other employees and without direct or close supervision. Some general categories of lone workers include employees who handle hazardous tasks away from the public, employees who travel to interact with customers away from the office, and even those who travel alone [...]

The post How to Increase Lone Workers Safety appeared first on SpotyPal.


A lone worker is an employee whose role involves working in isolation from other employees and without direct or close supervision. Some general categories of lone workers include employees who handle hazardous tasks away from the public, employees who travel to interact with customers away from the office, and even those who travel alone without necessarily interacting with customers. Lone workers face extraordinary challenges in the course of accomplishing their tasks, and they might be exposed to several risks since there is usually no one to assist them. Therefore, if your company hires lone workers, there is the need to conduct a risk assessment and come up with a plan to enhance their safety.

Examples of Lone Workers and the Risks that They Face

From the definition of a lone worker, we can deduce that are lone workers in almost all industries. Therefore, the risks that they face may differ from one industry to another and even from one role to another. Examples of lone workers include truck drivers, security guards, traveling salespeople, land surveyors, utility workers, cleaners, refinery workers, telecommuters, construction workers, home care nurses, and even some self-employed people. Some common risks that affect lone workers include workplace violence, falls, traffic accidents, blunt force trauma, and sudden cardiac arrest, among others.

Tips for Improving Workplace Safety for Lone Workers

Based on the seriousness of the dangers that lone workers have to encounter in the course of performing their duties, it is clear that their workplace safety has to be taken seriously. Therefore, every organization that hires lone workers should have workplace safety policies that are geared towards keeping their lone workers as safe as possible. Below is a rundown of some of the tips that decision-makers can count on to increase the safety of their lone workers.

Risk Analysis

Organizations that employ lone workers should conduct a risk analysis to determine if their lone workers are facing greater hazards compared to other employees. Some of the questions that such organizations can try to answer in their risk analysis include:

How quickly can a lone worker be reached in the event of an emergency?
Is it possible for the worker to operate emergency structures like scaffolds and ladders on his or her own?
How safe is it for the worker to lift all the necessary loads on his or her own?
Does the employee have a condition that could put him or her at great risk?
Would the employee be relatively safer if he or she was not working alone?

By answering these questions based on the existing facts, you will be in a great position to come up with solutions that are specific to your case.

Regular Check-Ins

The fact that lone workers work all alone does not mean that they do not need some kind of supervision at all. The only difference is that their supervisors are not physically there with them. For the sake of lone workers’ safety, their supervisors need to stay in touch with them. In other words, supervisors should have the responsibility to regularly check on the well-being of lone workers working under them. If this is not possible through cell phones due to coverage issues, then an organization may have to invest in radio transceivers or satellite phones, which are more reliable, particularly in remote places.


SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that is designed primarily to help people find their missing items easily and even prevent them from losing them in the first place. For instance, if you misplace the keys on which a SpotyPal device is attached, you can use your SpotyPal mobile application to locate them more easily.

However, unlike other Bluetooth item finders, SpotyPal has an additional feature, the panic button, that can significantly enhance the safety of lone workers.

But how exactly does it work in this regard?

SpotyPal allows a user to select some contacts that they can alert in case they find themselves in a dangerous situation, and it is not practical to make a call. For instance, if a lone worker gets a debilitating blow from a heavy moving object, and he or she cannot reach their supervisor via phone for some reason, he or she can simply press the SpotyPal’s panic button to send an SOS alert to his or her supervisor. The supervisor may then dispatch a team to check on the lone worker.

MyLoneWorkers Real-Time Management System

MyLoneWorkers is a workers’ management system that is primarily designed to make the management of lone workers more systematic and efficient. But more importantly, the system has features that can help with enhancing the safety of lone workers. For instance, if a lone worker falls, the system can automatically send a Lone Worker Down alert to a monitoring center. Once the monitoring center has received the alert, those in charge will send an emergency response team to assist the loan worker. For maximum lone worker safety, the system consists of a mobile app and a web-based app.


Furthermore, SpotyPal is compatible with the MyLoneWorkers equipment, and it can be used as an external BLE SOS button.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, the need to improve lone workers’ workplace safety cannot be overemphasized. It is also clear that for organizations to enhance the safety of its lone workers, they need to do a risk analysis and implement some safety policies, including investing in technologies such as MyLoneWorkers System and SpotyPal. These technologies will also help in making the management of lone workers more efficient. Invest in MyLoneWorkers and SpotyPal, and make your lone workers feel safer than ever before.


The post How to Increase Lone Workers Safety appeared first on SpotyPal.
