travel gadget Archives - SpotyPal Upgrade your life Thu, 06 Aug 2020 08:41:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Useful tips to improve your morning routine Thu, 06 Aug 2020 08:41:39 +0000 Do you have a morning routine that works? Most people do the same things every morning, subconsciously. However, morning routines are not always healthy. If you find yourself reaching for your smartphone to go through emails or social media updates, it is time to improve your morning routine. Distractions in the morning do not [...]

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Do you have a morning routine that works? Most people do the same things every morning, subconsciously. However, morning routines are not always healthy. If you find yourself reaching for your smartphone to go through emails or social media updates, it is time to improve your morning routine. Distractions in the morning do not only slow you down but also suck up your energy.

Keep reading to learn about a few tips to reclaim your mornings.

Wake Up 15 minutes earlier

Starting your day early improves your productivity and concentration. You can perform essential tasks without having to worry about interruptions from other members of your household. Waking up 15 minutes earlier means you will be early for school or work. It also means that you can start doing your daily duties without interruption from colleagues. Your brain is most alert in the morning, so you can think more clearly and make better decisions. You will have more energy throughout the day, and you can achieve most of your goals for the day. If your current morning routine has you rushing through your morning, consider waking up a few minutes earlier.

Prepare the Night Before

Preparing the night before gives you time to go through your morning routine with no rush. You are unlikely to forget anything if you get everything ready before going to bed. Before going to bed, think about the things you usually rush to do in the morning. Create a checklist for everything you need to do or bring with you.

SpotyPal is a planning device that may transform your morning routine. You can use it to create not to forget lists with the items you wish to carry with you when you leave in the morning. SpotyPal does the hard work for you. The two-way separation alert feature helps you find belongings. If, for example, you leave an important item behind, your smartphone will start ringing to remind you. Your smartphone will start ringing if you forget it.

The item finder feature comes in handy when you misplace items such as your keys or wallets. Set your phone to send you a notification when it establishes a connection on SpotyPal. It saves you a lot of time. Instead of wasting time looking for your keys or wallet, you can use it to do something more productive. If you lose your items, the Crowd Finding Community may help you find them.

Start with exercise

Start every day with exercise. Physical activity is good for both your physical and mental health. It triggers the release of hormones that kick start your energy and improve your mood. Research suggests that being exposed to early morning light can make you feel more awake all through the day. It promotes your performance on the job, fights fatigue, and improves your stamina. People who exercise have more energy and endurance to remain active throughout the job. Exercising at least three times a week may boost your energy levels by up to 20%. It can reduce fatigue by up to 65%.

Focus Your Positive Energy

A great way to start your morning is by taking some time to focus some positive energy to get you through the day. Some ways to achieve it include meditation, affirmations, and visual exercises. Regular meditation puts in you in a good mood to start the day. It can improve your immune system and relieve stress.

Eat a healthy breakfast

No matter how busy your mornings may be, it is important to make time for a healthy breakfast. Even though it is easy to skip breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. It jumpstarts your metabolism, making it possible to burn lots of calories throughout the day. Breakfast should give you a minimum of 25% of your daily nutrition and energy needs. It should be rich in protein and fiber. Opt for whole fruits rather than juices to maximize your fiber intake. Other high-fiber food options include oats, whole-grain cereals, and vegetables. They will keep you full for longer. Protein foods include eggs, beans, cheese, and nuts. Limit your consumption of sugary and processed food during breakfast.

Many people rush through their mornings and skip breakfast because they have no time to prepare it. The goal should be to prepare your ingredients before going to bed. If you have limited time to sit down and eat, pack something to go.

Stick to a Plan

Once you have come up with your new morning routine, stick to it. It is useless to have a plan if you are not going to follow through with it. Doing the same things in the same order every morning takes the stress out of your mornings.


In conclusion, your morning routine affects the rest of your day. It influences your productivity, concentration, and mood. SpotyPal device is a unique choice for organizing your routine. It ensures that you do not forget anything and makes it possible to find missing items. You can attach it to anything, including your wallet, luggage, and keys. It is compatible with most smartphones, and you can track different items independently.


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SpotyPal: An amazing travel gadget Wed, 29 Jul 2020 08:50:11 +0000 Forgetting items is common when traveling and while there are various things you can do, in terms of planning, you will most likely forget to pack a few things. The experience is even worse when you end up losing valuable items, which can happen at the airport or in your hotel room. Fortunately, SpotyPal is [...]

The post SpotyPal: An amazing travel gadget appeared first on SpotyPal.


Forgetting items is common when traveling and while there are various things you can do, in terms of planning, you will most likely forget to pack a few things. The experience is even worse when you end up losing valuable items, which can happen at the airport or in your hotel room. Fortunately, SpotyPal is here to help travelers and ensure you forget or lose nothing on your next vacation. If you have been looking for the best luggage tracker in the market, look no further. This item tracker is definitely the best travel gadget for those prone to forgetting a few things when vacationing

What is SpotyPal?

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item tracker that notifies you whenever you move away from your items. Once you attach the device to whatever item you want to track (briefcase, camera, wallet, keys), you can use the app on your smartphone to determine the exact locations of where those items are. SpotyPal comes with various features that make it invaluable when traveling. 

SpotyPal isn’t your average travel gadget. Whether you need an alarm to wake you up on your travel day or seek safety features and SOS alerts, the item tracker is packed with excellent features to meet these needs.

Useful Features

Below you will find some of the most useful SpotyPal features for travelers:

1. Not-To-Forget List

Since your trip starts before you leave home, SpotyPal is built to help you make sure every item on your travel list is packed. Simply outline all the things you need to bring to your vacation and stick the SpotyPal device on each item. The app allows you to create lists with items you want to have with you, so you don’t forget them when you leave for the airport. If you forget any, the app will set off an alert alarm on your phone. With SpotyPal, all you need to remember is your phone. Anything else on the travel list is covered, provided you stick the device on each item you plan to bring to the trip. You can also use it to ensure you pack all items you plan to bring back home from vacation.

2. Nearby Alert

Travelers no longer have to keep looking at arriving luggage at the baggage claim corridor. Simply enable the Nearby Alert feature and it will send an alert to your smartphone when your luggage is getting within range. The ring and flash notifications are impossible to miss and activates as soon as your suitcase is in close range, so you won’t mistake it with someone else’s. The Nearby Alert feature is also helpful when you are searching for misplaced items. For instance, if you can’t remember where you packed the camera, you can use the feature as you navigate the hotel or vacation house.

3. Two-Way Separation

This is another exciting feature useful for travelers. The two-way separation feature activates an alert whenever the tracked item is getting out of range, so you won’t leave your items behind. You can configure the app to send a notification immediately the item is out of range. What’s more, the gadget will flash if someone tries to grab it and run off, allowing you to react immediately. The Two-Way Separation feature is perfect for camping adventures and other activities that leave you exhausted and forgetful.

4. Crowd Finding

The crowd finding feature will help you locate lost items with the help of other SpotyPal users. You can share the app with other devices and have people help you to locate the lost items. If any user gets within range of the gadget, you will get a notification alert on your phone about its location. All you need to do is mention that your luggage or item is lost and that SpotyPal will automatically send a notification when another user finds it.

More Features for Travelers

SpotyPal doesn’t stop at luggage tracking. The travel gadget has various other features that will make your vacation more convenient and safe. You can use SpotyPal to ring your phone even if it is silent and it includes a Last Seen location if you can’t remember where you left an item. The SpotyPal app also works as an alarm that can be set a bit louder if you love to keep your phone far from your bed. For safety, SpotyPal features SOS alerts you can deploy with a press of a button. The app will send a message to a predefined number as soon as you press the button. You can also share SpotyPal with multiple users, which is great when searching for misplaced items in large crowded spaces.


SpotyPal is a must-have if you are planning a vacation. It is the best travel gadget in a long time and ensures you keep track of all items you are bringing to the trip. You can attach the device to anything, including keys, wallets, luggage, and other valuable items. If you are concerned about your items’ safety or fear that you will forget the essential things required for your trip, SpotyPal will help you track every item independently. It is also compatible with most smartphones and the app is light on your device.


The post SpotyPal: An amazing travel gadget appeared first on SpotyPal.
