separation alert Archives - SpotyPal Upgrade your life Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:53:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 An SDK is a smart way to take your product to the next level Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:53:45 +0000 The acronym, 'SDK' is very popular in the mobile marketing realm. But very few people know exactly what this acronym stands for. SDKs have a myriad of applications in our daily lives. For instance, SpotyPal devices that function using SDKs are used to track personal stuff that are easily misplaced like wallets, car keys, [...]

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The acronym, ‘SDK’ is very popular in the mobile marketing realm. But very few people know exactly what this acronym stands for.

SDKs have a myriad of applications in our daily lives. For instance, SpotyPal devices that function using SDKs are used to track personal stuff that are easily misplaced like wallets, car keys, and television remotes. They can also be used to send SOS signals. Read on to understand how you can take your product to the next level with an SDK.

What does SDK Stands for?

SDK means software devkit or software development kit. Software devkit comprises a set of executable programs. These downloadable programs contain developer tools needed to create secure and stable mobile applications. The developer tools include app documentation, repositories, code examples, programming languages, guides, and processes. Developers integrate these functionalities into mobile apps.

These tools are platform-specific. For instance, to create an Android app, you require Android SDK. Whereas, an iOS app is created using an iOS SDK. Other types of SDK toolkits are VMware SDK and Nordic SDK for creating stable wireless or Bluetooth products.

Differentiating SDKs from APIs

There’s a very thin line separating SDKs from APIs. Both technologies serve similar functions such as enhancing mobile app security and the overall user experience. SDKs and APIs are used to integrate innovative features into pre-existing mobile applications.

The difference is that with an SDK you don’t necessarily need to know what’s going on behind the scenes. The functions are pre-built. With an API, however, you need to tinker with the various tools to achieve the intended functionality. Therefore, APIs allow room for creativity. Simply put, an SDK may contain one or more embedded APIs.

Hallmarks of a Good SDK

Software devkits add value to both, your developers and business customers. A good SDK helps you to deliver quality services to your clients. An ideal SDK has the following features:

Easy to integrate and user friendly
Has a detailed source code documentation
It safeguards mobile battery life

It improves your CPU’s health
Is fully compatible with other SDKs
Improves your mobile app’s functionality

SDKs for Different Operating Systems

If you’re on an Android system, you should consider going for the following SDKs:


Apache Flex
Android Studio
Google Cloud

If you’re working with an iOS application, then you have the options of going with SDKs like:

Facebook’s SDK
AF Networking


Benefits of using SDKs

Reduced Costs

Creating mobile platforms with SDKs is much cheaper as compared to using APIs. Your business stands to make great savings with SDKs. Their affordability arises from the fact that the SDKs require less time to develop. Additionally, you need less coding done and that saves you on hiring costly developers.

Enhanced Security

In today’s digital space, there’s a heightened need to secure your mobile apps. Security breaches have the potential of adversely impacting your products. To create a hacker-proof secure system, you’ll need a whole team of developers. Plus, you’ll still need to hire experts to update and keep on testing the security systems.

That’s where SDKs come in to save the day. SDKs come with pre-installed security features to protect your products from threats and vulnerabilities.

Improved Marketing

SDKs help to speed up the launching of mobile applications. This technology saves you time and money that would have otherwise gone into commissioning complex mobile app infrastructure solutions. With SDKs, you don’t need to deal with repetitive tasks like performing A/B testing on the applications. SDKs exempt you from having to design and integrate complex features into your apps. That way, you get to focus on marketing your mobile apps sooner rather than later.

Seamless Integration

SDKs come loaded with pre-built functionalities for easier integration. These features simplify complex processes such as setting up authentication protocols. You don’t need developer skills to integrate SDKs onto your platforms. That’s because SDKs have pre-installed documentation, sample codes, and the necessary programming tools.


Your apps need to be constantly updated for top-notch performances. Regular testing and updates allow you to troubleshoot and fix potential bugs. Updates ensure your apps work reliably. The process ensures the apps provide a stable performance to your customers.

Shorter Sale’s Cycles

SDKs help to significantly shorten the sales cycle. The devkits allow efficiently, and quicker relations with prospective leads. A shorter sales cycle leads to increased revenues for your business.

Ready Support Backups

SDKs offer ready support to their users. The latest SDKs have in-built features to allow users to curate crash reports. Users get real-time reports on their app’s behavioral analytics. You can custom configure your SDKs such that you receive regular updates for reliable and stable app functioning.

Builds Brand Credibility

There exist millions of apps on Google Play and the Apple app store. It’s in your best interests to ensure that your hosted apps are as efficient and reliable as the millions of other apps out there. Otherwise, Google and Apple will most certainly remove your hosted apps or the end-users won’t bother to download them.

Make sure you put up a world-class application that’s supported by a stable SDK for optimal results. SDKs not only add great value to your hosted apps but also allows your software to be integrated with other third-party applications. High-performing applications eventually help to grow your brand’s exposure giving it better credibility.

Why you Need a Good SDK

A good software development kit or software devkit adds tremendous value to your products. A good SDK helps to grow your product’s credibility in the marketplace.

Apps with SDKs help to protect your sensitive information and private data from infiltration. SDKs are cherished by companies for their cost-savings benefits.

The alternative to using SDKs would be APIs. Integrating the latter is more complicated and you can’t avoid paying developers to get the job done. SDKs on the other hand are pre-built installations and even a layperson can unwrap them to get them working.

Final Thought

Be digital savvy. Never again should you have to wrack your brains trying to recall where you placed your car keys, wallets, or any other personal items. Get yourself a SpotyPal device and you’ll always be a dial away from locating your precious personal items or calling for help when you’re in distress.

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Useful Tips for Organizing Your Home Thu, 15 Apr 2021 08:36:20 +0000 Economy shutdowns, stay-at-home orders, loneliness, unemployment, increasing death rates, wearing of masks, and social distancing have become like norms as the world struggles to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. Indeed, the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the world are undeniable. It has taken away millions of lives and livelihood [...]

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Economy shutdowns, stay-at-home orders, loneliness, unemployment, increasing death rates, wearing of masks, and social distancing have become like norms as the world struggles to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. Indeed, the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the world are undeniable. It has taken away millions of lives and livelihood and completely changed how we work, learn, and interact with each other. Some have mastered new skills and found new sources of income, while others continue to struggle financially.

Although commentators mainly concentrate on the economic impacts of the novel coronavirus, the truth is that its impact on mental health cannot be overlooked. Due to the pandemic, more people are suffering from mental issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, and loneliness, among others. Some ways of managing these mental issues include exercising more often, meditation, eating a balanced diet, and getting social support. Experts have also established that spending a lot of time in an untidy and disorganized house can aggravate mental health problems, and therefore, reorganizing your house and keeping it tidy can go a long way in improving your mental health, especially now that you have to spend more time at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below is a rundown of the tips you can count on to keep your house tidy and organized.

Put Like Things Together

Ensuring that similar things are placed together can go a long way in improving your home’s organizational paradigm. To this end, you need to ensure that every item of the category that you are dealing with is placed in one place. For instance, you can put your coffee mugs in one corner and your books in another. This way, you will be in a better position to see how much of everything you have in your house, which will, consequently, make it easier for you to get rid of the extras.


One of the reasons why it might be difficult for you to keep your house organized is probably because you have too much stuff that you don’t need. It could be plastic bags, fast food napkins, old newspapers, kiddie cups, duplicate kitchen utensils, clothes that you no longer need, and so on. For you to keep your house tidy more effortlessly, it is imperative for you to learn to make quick decisions on what to keep, what to toss, what to donate, and what to throw away. This way, you will prevent the build-up of clutter in your house and have more space for important things in your house. In addition to improving the aesthetic appeal of your home, getting rid of clutter will also make it less likely for you to misplace everyday items, and this will go will a long way in improving your mental wellbeing.

Tidy Up Every Day

As mentioned earlier, clutter can make it difficult for you to keep your house organized. The good news is that you can prevent the build-up of clutter by simply tidying up your house every day. After all, several studies have found that a strong relationship between tidiness and mental health. Indeed, living in an untidy house is strongly collated with high levels of stress. Other studies have also shown that spending time tidying up your house can significantly improve your mental health and addition to preventing the build-up of clutter. Therefore, if you feel mentally overwhelmed by the current global pandemic, why not spend half an hour or so tidying up your house every day? The peace and calmness you will achieve after completing the task will surprise you.

Label Things

One of the reasons why a disorganized house can be bad for your mental health is because looking for things that have been placed where they are not supposed to be quite stressful. One of the most effective ways of avoiding this issue is by ensuring that everything is labeled. Labeling helps in several ways. For instance, labeling will ensure that you do not have to open a box or pull a drawer to know what is inside. Labeling will also make you more disciplined in how to keep your things because it will discourage you from dumping everything in the bin that is easiest for you to reach. Last but not least, if you are living with other people in your house, labeling will make it easier for them to figure out where certain things should go.

Invest in SpotyPal

One of the reasons why living in a disorganized house can aggravate mental health problems has to do with the stress that is associated with losing or misplacing everyday items, such as keys, TV remotes, wallets, and mobile phones. If you tend to misplace your items too often, investing in SpotyPal can go a long way in helping you tackle this challenge. SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that is designed primarily to make it easier for you to find misplaced items, although it has features that make it useful in many other ways. If you have misplaced an item on which the device has been attached, you can simply use your phone to find it through the SpotyPal mobile application. If you happen to misplace your mobile phone, you can use your SpotyPal device to locate it.

Another SpotyPal feature that can help you improve your home’s organizational paradigm is the not-to-forget list. For you to keep your house organized, there are several things that you will have to do on a regular basis. Using the SpotyPal not-to-forget lists, you can create a list of such tasks, and rest assured that you won’t forget to complete any of them at the appropriate time.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that although the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the economy and our way of life, its impact on mental health cannot be overlooked. Indeed, more cases of mental health problems are being reported than before, and it is not difficult to understand why this is the case. The good news is that most cases of mental health problems can be managed through physical exercise, healthy eating, and improving the condition of your living spaces. Therefore, If you are personally feeling overwhelmed by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can significantly improve your mental health by reorganizing your house and keeping it tidy. SpotyPal devices can be great tools for organizing your home and easing the stress that comes with looking for misplaced items or forgetting to carry out some regular tasks.

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SpotyPal is the perfect corporate gift! Thu, 28 Jan 2021 08:00:40 +0000 A corporate gift strategy has significant ROI. It makes the recipient feel appreciated and valued. They will also want to reciprocate the gesture. In the United States, business gift-giving is a booming industry. It is valued at an estimated $22 billion. Many organizations gift their employees, clients, and prospects on many occasions, most so [...]

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A corporate gift strategy has significant ROI. It makes the recipient feel appreciated and valued. They will also want to reciprocate the gesture.

In the United States, business gift-giving is a booming industry. It is valued at an estimated $22 billion. Many organizations gift their employees, clients, and prospects on many occasions, most so during the holidays. Why do companies do that? What do they stand to benefit from after splurging significant amounts of money on corporate gifting?

This article provides a deeper understanding of corporate gifting and insights into its impact on company growth.

What is Corporate Gifting?

Corporate gifting or business gifting is the means of creating a strong connection with customers, staff, and prospective clients by offering them physical and non-physical gifts. There are many options that a company may consider as a gift for an employee or client. For instance, a practical swag bag/hamper or a customized piece of clothing is an excellent physical gift. An example of non-physical gifts is a vacation voucher for a holiday getaway.

Why is Business Gifting Important?

If you have ever gotten a present, you understand the warm feeling one experiences. It is the same case with corporate gifting.

Gift giving at the corporate level is a powerful experience. It creates a touchpoint between the giver and recipient. The latter feels more appreciated and connected to the giver. They feel part of the company.

For many years, organizations and marketing professionals have leveraged the power of gifting to create warm, long-lasting relationships with their existing and prospective clients. Marketers incorporate gifting as part and parcel of their marketing strategy. It provides significant ROI and satisfaction.

Businesses need to match the gift they offer with the occasion of the event. That ensures that the goal of offering the present is achieved.

Corporate Events – These are business events held to appreciate employees in a company. It may be Years of Service, Completing a Vocational Training Program, or Best Employee of the Year.
Personal Events – A company might offer gifts when a staff member welcomes a newborn in their family, obtains a higher learning certification, personal achievements, or purchases a new property.
Special Gifting – Providing gifts to recognize a special/unique event. For example, an employee whose efforts led to the achievement of a specific goal. Perhaps they went an extra mile to save the day; these are occasions that warrant gifting.

Why do Companies Give Corporate Gift Products to their Employees and Clients?

According to Forbes, businesses practice gift giving because of the return on investment (ROI). Eighty percent of C-suite executives support corporate gifting because it generates positive returns, especially when it tells your brand’s story. It should create a deeper and meaningful connection. Additionally, 94% of top-management executives say that a business gift strategy is important for business growth.

There are two main reasons why companies offer business gifts:

Appreciating loyal customers for bringing business to the company
Awarding outstanding employees for the tremendous work they’ve done on the company’s behalf

Whichever the reason, the goal remains the same: To strengthen relationships and improve personal connections between the brand and the recipient.

The secret to gift-giving is to personalize the item. Manufactured gifts come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Offering a generic gift won’t evoke a sense of appreciation because it is something anyone can have. That’s why most companies focus on customizing the gift to the recipient’s tastes and preferences. It shows that you know them at a personal level. It makes them feel part of the family.

The Psychology of Corporate Gifts

Corporate gifting is an effective marketing tool because of the psychological impact it has on the recipient. Imagine a friend popping in your office bearing a personalized gift for you. Perhaps your local shopping store has sent you an email with a shopping voucher to appreciate your repeat business. The mental effect that the gift has on the recipient makes them happy and wants to be more connected with you.

The physical contact that one has with a gift creates an Endowment Effect. The gift is personalized to the recipient’s taste makes them appreciate it more. Combine that with the sense of ownership over such a special gift improves the bond one has with a brand. In turn, the recipient trust and would likely reciprocate the act by bringing in more business. Some would be more than glad to recommend your products and services to their friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

Corporate Gifting Statistics

Having a corporate gift strategy is beneficial. The following are some statistical data to support that.

Over two-thirds of businesses (about 65%) gift their clients throughout the year, Twenty-four percent offer gifts at the end of a financial year.
An estimated 75% of people go through their direct mail. They are driven by the emotional response of receiving a gift tailored for them.
Food items are the most preferred gifts sought after by customers. About 49% prefer receiving chocolate, SWAG hampers, and alcohol. Forty-seven percent love getting gift vouchers, tech items (28%), and stationary (27%).
Approximately 40% of people say that the physical properties of mail influenced how they perceived a brand. The aesthetics and production values of a physical mail instill brand value effectively and intuitively.
Seventy-nine percent of clients find reading physical mail more convenient than reading it online. Besides, you can access it easily because it’s already in the mailbox.

How to Choose the Right Corporate Gifting?

When choosing a business gift for your employees or client, you need to know their tastes. Personalizing the gift is more likely to evoke a quality reciprocal response from them. You might decide to engrave their name on a pen/office cup. It makes the gift special.

You also need to have a budget. Choose an item that is reasonably priced. Don’t select something overly lavish. A highly proceed gift looks like a bribe. What you want to do is motivate without denting your company finances.

You also need to consider the level of relationship you have with the recipient. Understanding that enables companies to find the right gifts and the right manner of presenting them.

Why is SpotyPal the Best Corporate Gift for Employees and Clients?

The SpotyPal device is a portable item that enables people to upgrade their lifestyle. It offers a convenient means of dealing with everyday life problems such as:

Tracking Misplaced Items

The device uses Bluetooth Connectivity. Once the employee or client receives SpotyPal, they can attach it to their personal item. If they leave an item behind, they will receive an alert on their phone, signaling that something is left behind. For instance, you can use the SpotyPal device to track your misplaced phone or key.

For the User’s Safety

The SpotyPal tracker comes with a panic button that sends an SOS alert to predefined individuals when they are in a dangerous situation, and they cannot make a call. The device sends out SOS messages as an email or phone alert. The user sets the mode that works best for them.

The SpotyPal Software Development Kit (SDK)

Furthermore, users can enhance their functionality by creating their own app on their phones using the SpotyPal Software Development Kit (SDK). The kit comes with all the resources needed to complete the application on Android and iOS platforms.

The Bottom Line

SpotyPal tracker is an excellent corporate gift that your employees and clients will appreciate. It’s small, but packed with an amazing set of features that will help them upgrade their lives. SpotyPal provides security and convenience. It is also a time-saver because you’ll easily locate your lost or misplaced items and provides security and convenience. And if you want to, you can customize it with your brand’s logo and add a personal touch that really shows your appreciation.

Panic button

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SpotyPal SDK – Use SpotyPal in your own solution Wed, 20 Jan 2021 13:12:51 +0000 SpotyPal device makes it easy to find misplaced items. The SpotyPal SDK allows you to create the app needed to operate it to enhance its functionality. Software development kits (SDKs) are a critical tool for use when creating programs. To understand that from a practical perspective, the web browser you use on your [...]

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SpotyPal device makes it easy to find misplaced items. The SpotyPal SDK allows you to create the app needed to operate it to enhance its functionality.

Software development kits (SDKs) are a critical tool for use when creating programs. To understand that from a practical perspective, the web browser you use on your desktop or mobile device and the video games you play were all created using SDKs. So, what is a software development kit?

If you own a car and have been to an auto shop for repair parts and aftermarket upgrade tools, you sometimes find them packaged in kits. You’ll find the various components, installation tools, user’s manual, and other instructions in the kit. An SDK functions in a similar way. It provides the resources that developers require to complete a software program on a specific platform. It will include the tools, documentation, a list of sample codes, and other guides.

The Difference Between SDK and API

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is simply an interface that allows different applications to interact. The process converts user commands, interprets them, and generates usable functions. Think of it as a two-sided paper; each side is written in different languages providing different functions. When the two are translated and used together, there is a mutual understanding. For instance, a web browser uses a different set of APIs to convert user commands into usable functions, interprets them, and requests data from servers to deliver the information on the desktop UI.

API is equivalent to the building blocks an artisan uses to create pieces of art, while the SDK is the entire workshop, with all the tools, components, and ergonomic designs to enable them to create a piece of furniture.

Features of an SDK and how Developers use SDKs to create Applications

The common features included in a standard SDK are the compiler, debugger, and APIs. However, most manufacturers offer additional features, including editors, documentation, drivers, libraries, development infrastructures, and network protocols. Typically, the kit will contain every tool that a developer requires to create a software application.

There are several software development kits in the market: Java development kit (JDK), MacOS X SDK, and Windows 7 SDK. Another specific example is the SpotyPal SDK that lets you create your own application. The SpotyPal SDK comes with a spectrum of code generation tools, creating the development environment, APIs, and extensions to cater to common operator users.

How SDKs Help Developers to Create Programs

One of the trends in app development is creating mobile-friendly programs that provide quality UX for the application’s users. Developers need SDKs to create the best, user-friendly software program for their audience, whether employees, gamers, or clients.

Software development helps developers to create apps for a specific platform. For instance, if there were no Android SDKs, then the many developers of the applications we can access from your android phones would have created the programs. The same is true for iOS apps. Furthermore, advanced SDKs allow operators to enhance their websites with more operational features, making the development process easier since everything is prebuilt.

SpotyPal SDK Helps Streamline Traffic in Turin Through the Big IoT European Project

SpotyPal demonstrated its market leadership as an SDK manufacturer by joining the Big IoT European Project. It aims to integrate businesses and stakeholders in the EU’s tech market to create a business ecosystem where companies can maximize the IoT industry.

In the project, SpotyPal demonstrated the interconnection of places within smart cities, such as Turin, Italy. The company provided critical insights into traffic flow in Piedmont town, based on various factors, including weather conditions, days, and hours. Using this information, SpotyPal provides additional information that will help municipal authorities determine the section that requires better management to ensure they serve the road users and pedestrians better.

SpotyPal SDK: Your Reliable Software Development Kit for Any Project

Are you a budding developer or an experienced programmer looking forward to creating your application? Well, you can use the SpotyPal device and the company’s SDK to develop a software application to use with the device. The advantage is that the software development kit allows you to create apps for Android and iOS. The manufacturer is on the verge of upgrading the kit for use on other platforms as well.

The SpotyPal device provides a high-level convenience, allowing users to recover various lost/misplaced personal items and carry out other daily activities. The company has invested in research and a crew of professional developers who are always looking for ways to use your application on the SpotyPal device to make their lives easier. Still, the current SDK provides impressive features, metrics, and data that enable you to excel in any project.

Sometimes you find yourself locked out and can’t find the keys; other times, you might not locate the remote, wallet, or bag. Using the SpotyPal tracking device helps you find your misplaced items easily. You can also use SpotyPal SDK to create an app that links with the device, making it easier to use and deliver excellent UX.

Contact our team to discuss about your idea or project and benefit from SpotyPal SDK by applying it on your own data and activities!

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Tech Gadgets that make our daily life easier Mon, 28 Dec 2020 10:00:34 +0000 Technology is an integral component of our daily lives. We all use several different tech devices every day to solve different problems, and it is sometimes difficult for us to imagine how life would be without them. Below are some common tech gadgets that can significantly make your life easier. [...]

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Technology is an integral component of our daily lives. We all use several different tech devices every day to solve different problems, and it is sometimes difficult for us to imagine how life would be without them.

Below are some common tech gadgets that can significantly make your life easier.

Wireless Headphones

If you do not have a pair of wireless headphones, you may be wondering how they can improve your life. One of the most obvious benefits of using wireless headphones has to do with the fact that you can continue using them even when it is not possible for you to carry your phone or tablet around. For instance, when you are working out at the gym, wireless headphones will allow you to continue listening to music without necessarily having your phone in your pocket.

Electric Tooth Brush

According to the American dental association, both manual and electric toothbrushes are quite effective when it comes to removing plaque and food deposits that contribute to tooth decay and other oral health problems. However, there are several additional benefits that are associated with the electric toothbrush. For instance, using an electric brush is much easier for people with limited mobility, such as those with conditions such as arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Besides, it is safe for gums and fun for kids, and therefore, it can encourage your children to brush their teeth regularly.

Fitness Tracker

Fitness tracking wearable devices are quite popular these days. This can be attributed to the various benefits that they bring to users. For instance, these devices make it easier for people to monitor their heart rate, track their sleep, and set fitness goals. Besides, if you are struggling with implementing your fitness goals, a fitness tracker will make you more accountable. For instance, if you have not had enough physical exercise on a particular day, your fitness tracker will remind you about it.

Portable SSD

Solid-state drivers (SSDs) are portable data storage devices that are designed to replace traditional hard drives. One of the most significant benefits of SSDs has to with their reliability. For instance, since there are a lot of moving parts in traditional hard drives, there are a lot of things that could go long and cause you to lose your data. On the other hand, SSDs make use of flash memory to ensure superior performance and durability. Besides, SSDs are faster, easier to carry, and they will give you longer battery life.

SpotyPal Item Finder

How much time do you spend looking for your everyday items, such as keys, wallet, and TV remote? On average, every American spends up to 10 minutes looking for a lost or misplaced item every day. But time is not the only cost that we have to pay for misplacing items; it is estimated that the average American spends at least $50 annually to replace lost items.

The good news is that with SpotyPal Bluetooth item finder, this is a problem that can be solved to some extent. By attaching the device to your everyday items, you can ensure that you do not forget them.

For example, the device has the two-way separation alert to ensure that your phone or the device itself alerts you before you go out of range if you happen to leave behind an item on which the device is attached.

In addition to preventing you from losing your valuables, SpotyPal can make it easier for you to locate misplaced items. For instance, it can act as a phone finder, meaning that if you misplace your phone, you can use your SpotyPal device to easily find it. SpotyPal Bluetooth tracker can also be used for safety purposes. In this regard, it has a panic button that a user can press when in danger to send an SOS alert to a predefined contact. For instance, if you get in trouble while working as a lone worker and it is impossible for you to make a call to the headquarters; you can simply press the panic button to let your contact know that you need help.

The alarm clock is another useful feature on the SpotyPal device. If you would like to wake up early but you do not want to take your phone to the bedroom, you can count on the device’s alarm clock to wake you up at the time of your choice.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that although there are many tech gadgets that can make your life easier, SpotyPal is one of the most useful ones. This Bluetooth item finder comes with several features that can really make your life more bearable. The device will not only make it less likely for you to lose your everyday items but also make it easier for you to trace them if and when you misplace them. SpotyPal can also make you feel safer and even serve as an alarm clock. Invest in SpotyPal devices today, and rest assured that the quality of your life will significantly improve.

Panic button

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7 useful tips to Stop Forgetting Things Tue, 22 Dec 2020 10:20:55 +0000 Forgetting is a natural process in which old information in the brain is replaced with new information that the brain considers more useful. Unfortunately, in some cases, the information that the brain considers outdated may be important to you; and this is where forgetting becomes problematic. Although forgetting may be a mere inconvenience in [...]

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Forgetting is a natural process in which old information in the brain is replaced with new information that the brain considers more useful. Unfortunately, in some cases, the information that the brain considers outdated may be important to you; and this is where forgetting becomes problematic. Although forgetting may be a mere inconvenience in some cases, it can prove to be extremely costly in others. Therefore, if you are forgetful, it is imperative for you to start thinking of how you can find an amicable solution to the problem.

Below is a rundown of some of the tips that you can count on to help you avoid forgetting important things.

Get Enough Sleep

A lot of people wrongly believe that cutting back on sleep and working for more hours can improve their productivity. Unfortunately, failure to have adequate sleep ends up having the opposite effect. In fact, lack of sleep impairs our cognitive ability, including our ability to remember things. Therefore, for you to avoid forgetting things, you need to start having adequate sleep. Experts recommend that you should have at least seven solid hours of night sleep every day. By doing so, you will give your body the necessary time to repair damaged cells and consequently enhance the ability of your brain to recognize memories.

Dot it Now

One of the reasons why people forget important things has to do with procrastination. When you set aside tasks that can be accomplished immediately and tell yourself that you will deal with them later, the truth is that you are creating room for you to forget about them. Therefore, if you are struggling with forgetfulness, and you are looking for a solution, it is wise for you to accomplish your tasks as soon as they arise.


It’s no secret that physical exercise has positive physical and mental health benefits. In addition to making you physically fit, physical exercise will significantly boost your cognitive abilities by making you more alert to what is happening around you. It also helps in reducing the levels of stress and anxiety, and this has the effect of enabling your brain to focus on the things that really matter. In a nutshell, physical exercise will improve your mental sharpness, and consequently reduce your risk of forgetting important things.

Set Alarms

If you have a Smartphone, then you have a reminder system right in your hands. Almost all Smartphones have alarm clock apps that you can use to set recurring or one-time alarms. For instance, if you have a meeting that you have to attend at a particular time of the day and you are afraid that you might forget about it, setting a one-time alarm to alert you about it will ensure that you won’t forget about it. Similarly, if you are on medication and you need to take your drugs every day at a particular time of the day or night, a recurring alarm will ensure that you don’t forget about it.

Eat Well

It has been established that healthy eating has many positive benefits for both the body and the mind. However, if you want to improve your memory, you need to incorporate foods rich in Omega-3s in your meals in addition to ensuring that you are having a balanced diet. This is because Omega-3s have been proven to improve cognitive abilities, including the ability to remember. In fact, studies have shown that Omega-3s can help to minimize the risk of dementia. Examples of foods containing Omega-3 include fish, whole grains, walnuts, and berries.

Use Checklists

Being organized is one of the most practical solutions when it comes to dealing with forgetfulness, and using checklists is perhaps the easiest way to improve your organizational paradigm. For you to avoid forgetting important things, you can create a list of the tasks you need to accomplish on a particular day and check each task after accomplishing it. Similarly, if you are traveling, and there are items that you must take with you, using a checklist when packing the items will ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

Buy SpotyPal

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that is designed primarily to help people locate missing items with relative ease. It is also a smart solution for people who are struggling with forgetfulness. Compared to other Bluetooth trackers, SpotyPal has more features that make it really useful to forgetful people. For instance, the last seen location feature helps users know the last known location of a missing item using a map on their SpotyPal application. This makes it easy for them to trace missing or misplaced items. The two-way separation alert is another feature that can be quite helpful for forgetful people. 

The feature ensures that if a user accidentally leaves behind his or her mobile phone or an item on which the SpotyPal device is attached, the SpotyPal device or their Phone will ring to alert them before they get out of range.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, although there are many tips that you can count on to avoid forgetting, using a SpotyPal device is the smartest of them all. The device has many features that can help you to deal with the issue of forgetfulness. It will also help you avoid losing your everyday items dues to forgetfulness. Invest in SpotyPal today, and rest assured that you will get peace of mind.

Panic button

The post 7 useful tips to Stop Forgetting Things appeared first on SpotyPal.

Back to School with SpotyPal, your best friend! Thu, 27 Aug 2020 08:23:51 +0000 If you tend to misplace or forget your valuable items, such as keys, student backpack, phone, or wallet, then SpotyPal can be your best friend as you plan to go back to school. SpotyPal is a Bluetooth tracking device that can be attached to such items to protect you from losing them or even [...]

The post Back to School with SpotyPal, your best friend! appeared first on SpotyPal.


If you tend to misplace or forget your valuable items, such as keys, student backpack, phone, or wallet, then SpotyPal can be your best friend as you plan to go back to school. SpotyPal is a Bluetooth tracking device that can be attached to such items to protect you from losing them or even to make it easier for you to find your items in case you end up losing them. Although there are many other almost similar products in the market, SpotyPal is known for a number of unique features that make it stand out among its competitors. Below is a rundown of some of the unique advantages that are associated with SpotyPal and how they can come in handy as you plan to go back to school.

Two-way Separation Alert

Most tracking devices are made to help in tracking items that are already missing. However, SpotyPal’s two ways separation feature ensures that the device can work proactively. In other words, the device is designed to ensure that your items do not get lost in the first place. If you are afraid that you might lose or forget your keys or school backpack in some place, then the two-way separation alert will ensure that you are alerted when your valuables get out of range. As you move away from your bag or keys, the device will flash and ring and this will ensure that you don’t forget your valuables.

Panic Button

SpotyPal devices can also be used for safety purposes. For instance, if you are under a threat in a situation where it is impossible for you to take a phone and make a call, SpotyPal has a panic button that you can press to send SOS alerts to predefined users that you have specified as emergency contacts. Once the emergency contacts have been alerted, they will know where you are and find a way of helping you out.

Device Alarm Clock

For you to have productive days at school, you need to have adequate night sleep. Therefore, you have to ensure that you do not go to bed with your phone. Unfortunately, if you are using our phone as the alarm clock, then there is going to be a problem. The good news is that if you have SpotyPal, you can use the tracking device as your alarm clock. You just have to set the alarm on the app and rest assured that the SpotyPal device will wake you up.

Last Seen Location

When you lose a valuable item, such as your school backpack, the best way to start finding it is by first establishing its first location. If you have a SpotyPal device attached to your lost item, the last seen location feature will allow you to know your item’s last known location using a map out a SpotyPal App. This will go a long way in making your work easier when it comes to finding your lost or misplaced valuables.

Crowd Finding

The SpotyPal’s crowd finding feature can help you to locate your lost item with the help of other SpotyPal users. You just have to report the issue to the SpotyPal Crowd Finding Community. By doing so, you will get a notification on your mobile phone when another SpotyPal user comes within your lost item’s range. As such, with the help of other people, locating your lost item is surely going to even much easier.


Overall, it is apparent that if you are planning to go back to school and you are afraid that you could lose some of your valuable items, then you should start thinking of investing in Bluetooth trackers. If you are looking for a reliable Bluetooth tracker to protect yourself from losing your student backpack, wallet, or phone, or to make it easier for you to track them when you forget or misplace them, then SpotyPal is your best bet. The device has many amazing features that make it stand out among its competitors. Invest in it today and rest assured that you will have an excellent way of keeping your valuable items safe.


The post Back to School with SpotyPal, your best friend! appeared first on SpotyPal.
