This month we had the pleasure to collaborate with a fantastic team of women, Travel Bloggers Greece. They are the first blogger networking group established in Greece and their members are Greeks and expats who promote our country as a travel destination in various languages.
Because SpotyPal can be used as a very useful travel gadget, they were very interested in trying it out and share their thoughts. Click below to find all their reviews.
SpotyPal: A Must Have Gadget for a Traveler, written by Passion for Hospitality

How to find what you can’t afford to lose, written by Provocolate

Travel Item Finder SpotyPal, written by Family Experiences Blog

What To Pack For Greece In May To October, written by Travel Passionate

Spotypal… you little pal, written by Anthomeli (both in Greek and in English)

SpotyPal, the tracking device you will love, written by Tzina Varotsi (only in Greek)