Misplacing or losing everyday items, such as keys, wallets, TV remotes, is an issue that a lot of people struggle with. Unfortunately, this means that they have to waste a significant amount of their time trying to look for lost items. In some cases, a lot of people even have to spend money to replace their lost items. The good news is that there are smart solutions for this problem, the most effective one being the use of Bluetooth trackers.
But if you are shopping for a Bluetooth tracker, the options in the market are so many that it may be difficult for you to pick the best one. However, based on the Bluetooth range and the distinctive features of the most popular Bluetooth trackers, SpotyPal is the best of them all.
Below is a rundown of some of the features that set SpotyPal apart, making it the best Bluetooth item finder in the market.
Two-Way Separation Alert
A lot of Bluetooth trackers are only designed to make it easier for you to find your misplaced items. But SpotyPal is special in the sense that it can help you avoid losing your items in the firsts place. The two-way separation alert makes sure that if you leave behind an item on which the SpotyPal device is attached, your mobile phone will ring to alert you before going too far. You can also set the SpotyPal device to ring if you happen to forget your mobile phone. Therefore, if you tend to forget your everyday items in places such as restaurants and shops, SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert can be an effective solution to your problem.

Nearby Alert
The nearby alert is another amazing feature that is associated with SpotyPal. This feature is meant to make it easier for users to locate their missing items. For instance, if you have activated the feature, your mobile phone is going to ring or beep when it comes closer to the device. Therefore, when you are searching for a missing item, your SpotyPal can significantly narrow the search area, and consequently, save you a lot of time and effort. SpotyPal can also prevent you from picking the wrong luggage at the airport. This is because if you have attached a SpotyPal device to your luggage and activated the nearby alert, your mobile phone will alert you when your suitcase is coming as you wait for it near the belt.
Device Alarm Clock
When you want to wake up early in the morning, you need to go to bed early and set an alarm. Unfortunately, most people use their mobile phones as alarm clocks. However, by taking your phone to the bedroom to wake you up early in the morning, you might be tempted to continue using it till it’s late, and this might end up making it more difficult for you to wake up early. But with a SpotyPal device, this is a problem that you can avoid. Using your SpotyPal mobile application, you can set an alarm on your device, and instead of going with your phone to the bedroom, you will just take the SpotyPal device. The device’s alarm rings loudly and you can count on it to wake you up on time.

Not to Forget Lists
Have you ever traveled or left for work or school only to realize that you have left behind something you really need? It can be a really frustrating experience, but if you have a lot of things to accomplish within a short time, it may end up becoming a habit. The good news is that with the SpotyPal Bluetooth device, this is a problem that you can easily solve. The device has a feature known as Not-to-forget-list that you can use to create lists of things that you need when going to certain places or even lists of the tasks that you need to accomplish on a given day. The feature will make you more organized and ensure that you do not forget any important item of activity.
Panic Button
When you think of a Bluetooth device, personal safety is unlikely the issue that comes to your mind. But surprisingly, SpotyPal has a feature that is meant to enhance the user’s safety. The device has a panic button that you can press to ask for help when you are in danger. For instance, if you are walking home late in the evening and notice that there is someone following you, trying to make a call could put your life in danger. But with a SpotyPal device, you can simply press the panic button to send an SOS alert to a predetermined contact who can then contact the police or try to help you in any other feasible way.

Crowd Finding
The crowd finding feature is another unique feature of the SpotyPal Bluetooth device. The feature will make it easier for you to find your lost items by getting help from other SpotyPal users. You simply have to join the crowd finding community, and when you have a missing item that seems to be out of range, other SpotyPal users will help you to locate it. For instance, if you have lost your keys and you are far away from where you dropped or forgot them, reporting your issue to the community will alert the community members near where your keys are and they might help you get the keys or at least make it easier for you to determine where you can start looking for them.
The Bottom Line
Overall, it is apparent that if you are afraid of losing your everyday items, a Bluetooth item finder can help you prevent it or at least make it easier for you to find your lost or misplaced items. Although there are many brands of Bluetooth trackers in the market, SpotyPal is the best option. This is because SpotyPal devices come with a lot of features that can significantly improve various aspects of your life. Invest in SpotyPal devices today and start benefiting from the many features that set these devices apart.