Crowd Finding Archives - SpotyPal Upgrade your life Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:14:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crowd Finding: If your item gets lost report it to the Crowd-Finding Community to help you find it Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:14:22 +0000 There are many feelings that are associated with losing things: anxiety, sadness, panic, worry, and frustration, among others. Indeed, losing or misplacing an item and spending a lot of time looking for it can significantly drain you emotionally and even physically. But it is quite a common occurrence, and it is estimated that an [...]

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There are many feelings that are associated with losing things: anxiety, sadness, panic, worry, and frustration, among others. Indeed, losing or misplacing an item and spending a lot of time looking for it can significantly drain you emotionally and even physically. But it is quite a common occurrence, and it is estimated that an average human being spends about ten minutes looking for a lost or misplaced item every day. The good news is that even if you are prone to losing your everyday items, the situation is not completely hopeless since there are several practical solutions that you can apply to avoid losing or misplacing your things. For instance, you can reorganize your house and have designated areas to put various everyday items. You can also invest in a smart item finder, such as SpotyPal.

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth tracker that is designed to help users avoid losing their everyday items. When something on which the device is attached goes missing, the user can simply use his or her Smartphone to locate it in the most efficient way possible. Although there are other Bluetooth trackers in the market, SpotyPal has a number of features that make it stand out in the crowd. Crowd-finding is one of the most interestingly unique features associated with SpotyPal.

But what exactly is crowd finding, and how can it improve your life as a SpotyPal user?

What is Crowd Finding?

When you lose or misplace an item on which a SpotyPal device is attached, there are several ways in which you can try to find it. For instance, you can use the SpotyPal installed app on your Smartphone to find the last known location of the missing items, which can significantly make it easier for you to know where to start the search. You can also try to use your SpotyPal app to ring the device on which the missing item is attached, especially if the device is still within range. But what can you do if your item is lost completely and you can’t find them this way? In such a situation, SpotyPal’s crowd finding is a special feature that you can turn to. This SpotyPal feature is designed to ensure that a user who has lost an item on which a SpotyPal device is attached can ask other SpotyPal users to help him or her find the lost item.

How Can Crowd Finding Community Help You Find a Lost Item?

As mentioned earlier, even after attaching SpotyPal item finders to your everyday items, there is no guarantee that you will find the item with ease if it gets lost. For instance, if you have lost your key in a public park, then your SpotyPal application might help you to establish its last known location. However, if someone moves the key to another place far from where you left it, the importance of the last seen location feature will be limited. But this is where SpotyPal’s crowd-finding feature comes in handy.

If it is completely impossible for you to trace a lost item using your SpotyPal app, you can report the issue to the crowd-finding community. By doing so, you can rest assured that you will get notified through your phone if and when a SpotyPal user passes near your lost item. In other words, reporting to the crowd-finding community will enable you to cast your net far and wide without leaving the comfort of your house. If you are worried about your data privacy when reporting about your lost item to the crowd-finding community, this is an issue that SpotyPal has taken care of. They have addressed this concern by making the procedure anonymous and ensuring that the privacy of all the users is respected.

If you are on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, there is another way in which you can bring other people on board as you search for your lost item. For instance, you can post a social media message inviting your social media friends to download the SpotyPal application and help you in finding your lost item. Getting more people involved will significantly improve your odds of finding the lost item.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that losing an item can be quite a stressful experience. The good news is that this is a problem that you can avoid by investing in a SpotyPal device. By attaching SpotyPal devices to your everyday items, you will significantly improve your odds of finding lost items without losing your head. For instance, with SpotyPal’s crowd-finding feature, you can easily get other people’s help when it comes to looking for lost items. Invest in SpotyPal today to ensure that your lost items are easily traceable even if you lost them far away from where you are.

The post Crowd Finding: If your item gets lost report it to the Crowd-Finding Community to help you find it appeared first on SpotyPal.

Happy Women’s Day Mon, 08 Mar 2021 07:37:08 +0000 You have most likely heard about International Women's Day, and you are wondering what the day is all about and what you can do to embrace it. The history of the day spans over a century, and it is celebrated on March 8 every year. While International Women's Day is marked in different ways [...]

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You have most likely heard about International Women’s Day, and you are wondering what the day is all about and what you can do to embrace it. The history of the day spans over a century, and it is celebrated on March 8 every year. While International Women’s Day is marked in different ways in different cultures, it basically involves recognizing the achievements and the struggles of women all over the world.

Below are some important facts you should know about International Women’s Day.

What is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day is a global day set aside for celebrating the political, cultural, and social achievements of women. It is celebrated annually on March 8th. On this day, people come together to celebrate the achievements of women and even push for equality in society.

The History of The International Women’s Day

The earliest observance of a Women’s Day was organized in New York City by the Socialist Party of America on February 28, 1909, at the suggestion of human rights activist Theresa Milkier. During the International Socialist Conference held in Copenhagen in August 1910, German delegates, led by Clara Zetkin and Kate Dunker proposed the establishment of a Women’s Day. All the delegates- a hundred women from 17 countries- agreed with the idea as one of the strategies to promote equal rights, including universal suffrage.

The following year on February 19th, International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Denmark. On the last Saturday of February 1913, women in Russia observed their first International Women’s Day. In the year 1914, the International Women’s Day in Germany was observed on March 8, and since then, it is held on March 8 in all countries and cultures that observe it.

Due to its perceived ties with communism and socialism, International Women’s Day did not catch on in the US as it did in other countries. However, recent marketing campaigns have successfully brought it into the American culture in a less political form.

Traditions of the International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is not specific to any organization, country, or group. No government, corporation, charity, or institution is responsible for it. The day belongs to everyone everywhere. Therefore, there are no rules about what should be done to mark it, and therefore, you are free to do whatever you can to acknowledge the achievements of women and push for equality. In 1975, International Women’s become a truly global day when the United Nations officially started celebrating March 8th as the International Women’s Day. It is now celebrated in over 100 countries. About 25 countries have already made it an official holiday. Some of the ways in which the day is celebrated include:

Holding protests and parties to raise awareness on equality and celebrate the achievement of women in general
Exchanging flowers and gifts

This year, the day will be celebrated amid the COVID 19 pandemics, and therefore, the UN’s official observance of the International Women’s Day will focus on how an equal future can be achieved in a COVID 19 world.

Peculiar Challenges That Women Face

Compared to the status of inequality a century back, it is fair to say that the world has made tremendous progress insofar as gender parity is concerned. Indeed, women can now go to universities and take careers of their choice. For instance, more and more women are now making a living in politics, science, law, diplomacy, technology, engineering, business, and so on. Unfortunately, on average, women still earn significantly less than men. Besides, the burden of taking care of families still falls disproportionately on women’s shoulders. Therefore, although there is a lot to celebrate on this year’s women’s day, women still face a lot of challenges, and it is important to acknowledge them.

How SpotyPal Can Help

If you are looking for a women’s day gift for a special woman in your life, then SpotyPal is an excellent choice. SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that is primarily designed to help users find missing everyday items with ease. However, unlike other item finders, SpotyPal has several features that make it really special and useful for women. Some of its unique features include:

Last Seen Location

The modern woman has a lot to do in a day, and therefore, it is not uncommon for women to get overwhelmed and end up misplacing everyday items, such as keys and TV remotes, among others. Some people even forget where they parked their vehicles. But by attaching a SpotyPal device on these items, finding them can be a little bit easier. If an item on which the device is attached goes missing, the user can simply use the map on her SpotyPal application to find its last known location.

Two Way Separation Alert

In addition to making it easier for users to find missing or misplaced items, SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert can help users avoid losing everyday items. For instance, if a user forgets her phone on a restaurant’s table, the SpotyPal device attached to her keys will ring to alert her before she gets out of the restaurant. Similarly, if she forgets and leaves behind the items on which the SpotyPal device is attached, the phone will ring to alert her before getting out of range. Therefore, the device will save your special woman the time lost looking for lost items.

Crowd Finding

When a woman loses something, trying to find it on her own can be quite stressful. This is a problem that SpotyPal has attempted to solve by introducing the crowd finding feature. This feature allows a user to report the issues of lost items to the crowd-finding community. By doing so, other SpotyPal users can join in the search, which can significantly increase the odds of finding the lost item.

Panic Button

The panic button is a safety and security feature. It can help a user to seek help when she finds herself in trouble. For instance, if an elderly woman spends a lot of time alone at home, the panic button can help her alert a predefined contact in case of an accident. Similarly, if a woman is walking alone late in the evening and notices that someone is following her, she can simply press the panic button to ask for help without putting herself in danger. Therefore, in addition to making your special woman’s life easier, a SpotyPal device will make her feel safer.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that if you are looking for a special gift to give a special woman on this year’s International Women’s Day, then SpotyPal is an excellent pick. This item finder has a number of special features that will make the life of your special woman less stressful.

The post Happy Women’s Day appeared first on SpotyPal.

Why SpotyPal is the best Bluetooth Tracker? Thu, 25 Feb 2021 08:45:18 +0000 Misplacing or losing everyday items, such as keys, wallets, TV remotes, is an issue that a lot of people struggle with. Unfortunately, this means that they have to waste a significant amount of their time trying to look for lost items. In some cases, a lot of people even have to spend money to replace [...]

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Misplacing or losing everyday items, such as keys, wallets, TV remotes, is an issue that a lot of people struggle with. Unfortunately, this means that they have to waste a significant amount of their time trying to look for lost items. In some cases, a lot of people even have to spend money to replace their lost items. The good news is that there are smart solutions for this problem, the most effective one being the use of Bluetooth trackers.

But if you are shopping for a Bluetooth tracker, the options in the market are so many that it may be difficult for you to pick the best one. However, based on the Bluetooth range and the distinctive features of the most popular Bluetooth trackers, SpotyPal is the best of them all.

Below is a rundown of some of the features that set SpotyPal apart, making it the best Bluetooth item finder in the market.

Two-Way Separation Alert

A lot of Bluetooth trackers are only designed to make it easier for you to find your misplaced items. But SpotyPal is special in the sense that it can help you avoid losing your items in the firsts place. The two-way separation alert makes sure that if you leave behind an item on which the SpotyPal device is attached, your mobile phone will ring to alert you before going too far. You can also set the SpotyPal device to ring if you happen to forget your mobile phone. Therefore, if you tend to forget your everyday items in places such as restaurants and shops, SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert can be an effective solution to your problem.

Nearby Alert

The nearby alert is another amazing feature that is associated with SpotyPal. This feature is meant to make it easier for users to locate their missing items. For instance, if you have activated the feature, your mobile phone is going to ring or beep when it comes closer to the device. Therefore, when you are searching for a missing item, your SpotyPal can significantly narrow the search area, and consequently, save you a lot of time and effort. SpotyPal can also prevent you from picking the wrong luggage at the airport. This is because if you have attached a SpotyPal device to your luggage and activated the nearby alert, your mobile phone will alert you when your suitcase is coming as you wait for it near the belt.

Device Alarm Clock

When you want to wake up early in the morning, you need to go to bed early and set an alarm. Unfortunately, most people use their mobile phones as alarm clocks. However, by taking your phone to the bedroom to wake you up early in the morning, you might be tempted to continue using it till it’s late, and this might end up making it more difficult for you to wake up early. But with a SpotyPal device, this is a problem that you can avoid. Using your SpotyPal mobile application, you can set an alarm on your device, and instead of going with your phone to the bedroom, you will just take the SpotyPal device. The device’s alarm rings loudly and you can count on it to wake you up on time.

Not to Forget Lists

Have you ever traveled or left for work or school only to realize that you have left behind something you really need? It can be a really frustrating experience, but if you have a lot of things to accomplish within a short time, it may end up becoming a habit. The good news is that with the SpotyPal Bluetooth device, this is a problem that you can easily solve. The device has a feature known as Not-to-forget-list that you can use to create lists of things that you need when going to certain places or even lists of the tasks that you need to accomplish on a given day. The feature will make you more organized and ensure that you do not forget any important item of activity.

Panic Button

When you think of a Bluetooth device, personal safety is unlikely the issue that comes to your mind. But surprisingly, SpotyPal has a feature that is meant to enhance the user’s safety. The device has a panic button that you can press to ask for help when you are in danger. For instance, if you are walking home late in the evening and notice that there is someone following you, trying to make a call could put your life in danger. But with a SpotyPal device, you can simply press the panic button to send an SOS alert to a predetermined contact who can then contact the police or try to help you in any other feasible way.

Crowd Finding

The crowd finding feature is another unique feature of the SpotyPal Bluetooth device. The feature will make it easier for you to find your lost items by getting help from other SpotyPal users. You simply have to join the crowd finding community, and when you have a missing item that seems to be out of range, other SpotyPal users will help you to locate it. For instance, if you have lost your keys and you are far away from where you dropped or forgot them, reporting your issue to the community will alert the community members near where your keys are and they might help you get the keys or at least make it easier for you to determine where you can start looking for them.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that if you are afraid of losing your everyday items, a Bluetooth item finder can help you prevent it or at least make it easier for you to find your lost or misplaced items. Although there are many brands of Bluetooth trackers in the market, SpotyPal is the best option. This is because SpotyPal devices come with a lot of features that can significantly improve various aspects of your life. Invest in SpotyPal devices today and start benefiting from the many features that set these devices apart.

The post Why SpotyPal is the best Bluetooth Tracker? appeared first on SpotyPal.
