Misplacing and losing things is quite common. We all have experienced it at some point in our lives. Everyone can remember a moment when they couldn’t find something that had been right there with them some moments ago. But what exactly are you most likely to lose, and where can you possibly lose it? Studies have shown that people tend to lose the things that they carry around and use most often. As such, most people tend to lose the same things, and surprisingly, studies show that when it comes to losing things, we all more or less the same.
Below are some interesting facts about the things that people lose most and where they usually lose them.
Phones, Keys and Wallet at Home
Have you ever tried to leave your house in a hurry only to realize that you can’t locate your mobile phone, keys or wallet? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. Indeed, studies show that the average American spends about 10 minutes daily looking for their keys, mobile phones, and other missing items. This may seem negligible when you look at it on a day-to-day basis, but on aggregate, it amounts to about two-and-a-half days per year. As such, by finding an amicable solution to the issue of misplacing your everyday items, you can save a significant amount of time.

Laptops in Airports
Laptops are other items that people lose quite often. In US airports alone, it is estimated that about 12,000 laptops are lost every week. Therefore, if you are planning to travel, you need to be aware that you are quite likely to lose your laptop at the airport, and prepare yourself on how you are going to keep it safe. For instance, you can invest in a SpotyPal Bluetooth device to ensure that your backpack doesn’t get out of range without your knowledge. The device has the separation alert to ensure that if you leave your backpack behind, your mobile phone will ring to alert you.

Phones in Public Transport Vehicles
If you use public transport, then your phone is quite likely to get lost. The available data has shown that around 120,000 phones get lost in Chicago’s taxicabs annually. If such a huge number of people lose their phones in just one city, you can only imagine the number of phones that people lose all around the country. Unfortunately, studies show that a vast majority of people who lose their phones are unable to get them back. Indeed, only 7 percent of lost phones in the US are successfully retrieved.

Bikes in Campuses
According to the FBI, the statistics on bicycle theft in the US are quite alarming. Indeed, over one-and-a-half million cases of stolen bicycles are reported in the US every year. Disturbingly, only 5 percent of people who lose their bikes manage to get them back. Bicycle theft is particularly a big problem on college campuses. For instance, at the University of California, more than half of all the stolen property cases that are reported to the police involve bicycle theft. In a nutshell, if you rely on your bicycle to run your errands, then it is a high risk of getting stolen, and therefore, you need to come up with more innovative ways of keeping it safe.

TV Controller at Home
The TV remote is one of the most commonly misplaced items at home. Almost everyone can remember a moment they misplaced their TV remote only to find it in the bedroom or even the kitchen area after ransacking the living room for about a quarter an hour or so. The prevailing data has shown that the average American spends up to four-and-a-half hours searching for their TV controller every week. For you to avoid becoming a part of this statistic, you can consider having a designated area to keep your TV remote always and even investing in a SpotyPal, the ultimate item finder.

The Bottom Line
Overall, it is apparent that there are several items that you are quite likely to lose. Unfortunately, losing items can be quite costly. Therefore, it is wise for you to come up with a strategy that can help you to keep your everyday items safe. One of the smartest ways of doing this involves attaching SpotyPal Bluetooth devices to the items that you are most likely to lose. This ultimate item finder has several features that can help you to locate your stuff easily or even avoid losing them in the first place. For example, the two-way separation alert will ensure that you are alerted through your mobile phone if you leave behind an item on which the device is attached. Besides, you can join the SpotyPal Crowd-Finding Community to get help from other SpotyPal users when you lose an item. Invest in SpotyPal today, and rest assured that your everyday items will be much safer.