blignos, Author at SpotyPal Upgrade your life Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:57:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Do not lose your bag again Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:57:39 +0000 Losing your bag can be quite a stressful experience. Whether your bag is for school or work, the value of its contents cannot be overlooked. For instance, a school bag can contain goods worth up to $3000 at any given point. In addition to losing items such as a laptop and books, losing a [...]

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Losing your bag can be quite a stressful experience. Whether your bag is for school or work, the value of its contents cannot be overlooked. For instance, a school bag can contain goods worth up to $3000 at any given point. In addition to losing items such as a laptop and books, losing a bag also means loss of valuable information that could be irreplaceable. Therefore, whether you rely on your bag to carry your school-related or work-related material, you need to do your best to avoid losing it.

But what can you do to protect your bag? Below is a rundown of tips you can count on to keep your bag safe.

Do Not Leave Your Bag Unattended

No matter how safe you think a particular place is, you should never leave your bag unattended. This is because many people have lost their bags this way. Instead, if you have to leave your bag for some reason, it is imperative for you to ask someone you trust to help you look after it. Alternatively, you could make use of lockers in hotels, hostels, schools, and train stations. Keeping your backpack in a locker will ensure that no one else can have access to it when you are away.

Backup Everything on your Laptop

No matter how careful you are, there is still a chance that your laptop bag could get stolen. Therefore, it is wise for you to prepare for the worst scenario by ensuring that critical information on your laptop is well secured. You also need to ensure that the valuable applications, school work, and data on your laptop are backed up. By backing up the resources on your laptop, you can afford to remain calm in case you lose your laptop bag, and this will go a long way in making it possible for you to make rational decisions that can increase your chances of finding your lost bag.

Invest in SpotyPal

A SpotyPal device is an item finder that relies on Bluetooth technology. The device comes with a mobile application, and therefore, by attaching it to your bag, you can use your mobile phone to try to find the bag if it gets lost. Although there are many item finders in the market, SpotyPal comes with several special features that make it stand out.

Some of the special features that are associated with the SpotyPal item finder include:

Find your missing item

This feature makes it easier for you to find your bag should you lose it. Once you have attached a SpotyPal device to your bag, you can find your missing bag by simply pressing the call button on your SpotyPal mobile application. Clicking the button will cause the device to ring, which should make it easier for you to locate the bag if it is still within range.

Last Seen Location

This feature is useful if you have been to many places with your bag and you can’t really remember where you left it. Even if the bag is out of range, you can simply use the map on your SpotyPal mobile application to find its last known location. Once you have known where the bag was seen last, you can effectively narrow down the search to that particular area.  

Two-way Separation Alert

This is a feature that is meant to help you avoid losing your bag in the first place. It ensures that you do not accidentally leave your bag behind. For instance, if you forget your bag on a restaurant table, your phone will ring as you go away from the table to remind you of the bag. Similarly, if you forget your phone, the device will ring to remind you of the phone.

Nearby Alert

When you know that you have placed your bag somewhere near you, but you cannot remember the exact location, the nearby alert feature will help you to find it. Your phone will ring as you move close to the bag, which will go a long way in making your search more targeted.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that your school or work bag holds several valuable items, and therefore, you need to do everything you can to avoid losing it. You also need to take several steps to make it easier for you to find it should it get lost. Most importantly, it is imperative for you to invest in a SpotyPal Bluetooth item finder. This is a smart device that will not only make it less likely for you to lose your bag but also make it more likely for you to find the bag should it get lost. Therefore, by investing in a SpotyPal device and attaching it to your bag, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you are less likely to lose your bag.

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How to Find misplaced items at home Tue, 12 Oct 2021 13:14:34 +0000 It is not unusual for people to misplace or even lose items at home. Indeed, an average human being spends an average of about ten minutes daily looking for lost or misplaced everyday items, such as keys, TV remotes, wallets, and much more. This is because forgetting about some things is a normal part [...]

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It is not unusual for people to misplace or even lose items at home. Indeed, an average human being spends an average of about ten minutes daily looking for lost or misplaced everyday items, such as keys, TV remotes, wallets, and much more. This is because forgetting about some things is a normal part of the human brain, as it constantly tries to replace the old information with new information that it considers more useful.

Therefore, if you tend to misplace a particular item so often, you can find comfort in the fact that billions of people are facing the same issue. Furthermore, you need to remember that the situation is not completely hopeless since there are several solutions you can count on to make it easier for you to find items that you tend to misplace often. For instance, you could reorganize your house and have designated places to keep specific items.

Other more specific tips that you can count on to find missing items with ease include:

Remain Calm

Losing something and spending a lot of time looking for it can be quite stressful. This is perhaps because everyday items tend to go missing when we need them the most. However, if you want to find your lost items in the most efficient way possible, you should not allow emotions to overcome you. In other words, once you have noticed that a particular item is missing, you need to do your best to remain calm. You can do this by simply closing your eyes and trying to focus on the last time you had the item, where you were, and what you were doing. By doing this, you will increase the chances of remembering where you kept the item, instead of turning your house upside-down as you trying to search all over the place.  

Remain Calm

Recheck Suspect Area

As mentioned above, when you have lost an item at home, you do not have to go looking for it all over the place. You need to focus on the areas it is most likely to be. One of such areas could be where you found the item the last time it had gone missing. You also need to check where the item is supposed to be. Once you have gone through all the areas the item is likely to be, you can start searching again from where you started, but from a different angle. It is only when you have double-checked all the suspect areas that you can decide to start searching the areas where the item is less likely to be.

Recheck Suspect Area

Keep Your House Neat

If your house is untidy, it can become more likely for you to lose your everyday items at home since there are many hiding places. Besides, if your house is disorganized, finding lost items can be quite a daunting task, given that it may not even be possible for you to accurately map out the areas where the item is most likely to be. Therefore, if you want to ensure that you can find missing items at home without losing your head, you need to keep your house tidy and clean. To this end, you need to dispose of all the things you do not need. You also need to reorganize your house and have designated areas to keep the items you tend to misplace often. For instance, if you tend to misplace your keys, you can have a bowl next to the door to place them every time you get into your house.

Keep Your House Neat

Invest in SpotyPal

If you tend to misplace everyday items from time to time, you need to invest in a SpotyPal item finder. This is a smart device that is designed to help users locate their missing items using Bluetooth technology. You just need to attach the item to the item you are afraid of misplacing. If the item goes missing, you can use your smartphone to locate the missing item. For instance, if you had attached the device to your keys, you can use your phone to determine their last known location, and this will make it easier for you to know where to start the search. If your phone goes missing, you can use the SpotyPal device to locate the phone. 

Invest in SpotyPal

Therefore, by investing in a SpotyPal device, you can make the search for lost items more objective and less emotionally draining. SpotyPal also comes with a feature known as the two-way separation alert. This is meant to minimize the risk of losing your items in the first place. For instance, if you leave behind the item on which the device is attached, your phone will ring to remind you of the item before going too far. Therefore, by investing in SpotyPal devices, you can keep your everyday items safe.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that although you cannot completely avoid losing items in your house, there are several steps you can take to make it easier for you to find the items you misplace. For instance, you need to learn to remain calm even when you have lost something. You also need to tidy up your house and keep it more organized. Last but not least, you need to invest in SpotyPal Bluetooth item finders. These devices will go a long way in making your search for missing items more efficient. Buy your Bluetooth item finder today and save the time you lose searching for misplaced items at home.

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Stay safe while traveling during the Pandemic Wed, 04 Aug 2021 08:49:28 +0000 Traveling is quite enjoyable, and sometimes, it can be life-changing. But in some cases, traveling can also be stressful due to issues such as culture shock, disrupted daily routine, lack of familiar support system, language barrier, and other unexpected situations. When traveling during the COVID-19, your journey can be even more stressful given the risk [...]

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Traveling is quite enjoyable, and sometimes, it can be life-changing. But in some cases, traveling can also be stressful due to issues such as culture shock, disrupted daily routine, lack of familiar support system, language barrier, and other unexpected situations. When traveling during the COVID-19, your journey can be even more stressful given the risk of contracting COVID-19 and the ever-changing government restrictions in different territories. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to minimize travel-related stress and enjoy traveling even during the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, you can use a SpotyPal Bluetooth tracker to prevent the possibility of losing your luggage at the airport.

Below are some tips you can count on to stay safe as your travel during the pandemic.

Choose Safe Destinations

Although governments around the world have intensified the administration of COVID-19 vaccines, significantly pushing down the rate of COVID-19 infections, there are still some parts of the world where the novel coronavirus and its variants are still spreading rapidly. Therefore, it is wise for you to familiarize yourself with infection trends in various parts of the world and only settle for fairly safe destinations. If you are not sure if a destination you have in mind is safe or not, it is imperative for you to consult a reliable travel professional, such as a travel advisor.

Avoid Dangerous Areas

The fact that a travel destination has been declared safe by the government or a travel agency does not mean that it is COVID-19 free. Neither does it mean that it is free of crime and other security or safety concerns. Therefore, as a traveler, you need to do your due diligence to identify and avoid potentially dangerous areas within a given travel destination. For instance, even if you are traveling to a destination with low COVID-19 infection rates, you will still have to avoid overcrowded places such as clubs and crowded markets to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 when traveling. You may also have to avoid areas that are generally known to have insecurity issues.

Share your Plans with Relatives

When you are traveling far from home, it is critical for you to ensure that you share your travel plans with your close relatives. This is because traveling involves a lot of uncertainties, and you never know what might go wrong. As such, you need to have a contact person you can talk to should you get in trouble. If you have invested in a SpotyPal device, the panic button can come in handy if you find yourself in danger in a situation where you can’t take your phone and make a call.

You just have to add the relative you are in touch with as your predefined contacts. By doing this, you will ensure that your relative gets alerted through his or her phone when you press the panic button. By pressing this button, an SOS message will be sent to your relative, indicating your location. Your relative can then alert the authorities or do anything else possible to ensure that you get help.

Buy Travel Insurance

As mentioned earlier, although traveling is quite enjoyable, it involves some risks that you should be aware of. For instance, you could fall ill, lose your luggage, or even get injured when traveling. If any of such misfortune befalls you during your journey, the financial implications can be devastating. Therefore, if you are planning to travel, it makes sense for you to buy a travel insurance cover. This will ensure that you get compensated for any losses that you might suffer if something goes terribly wrong during your journey. It will also give you peace of mind knowing that you are protected against significant financial losses in case of any costly accident or incident.

Protect your Luggage and Smartphone

Losing your luggage or mobile phone when traveling be quite a stressful situation, and it has the potential to completely ruin your journey. As such, you need to take all the necessary measures to keep your belongings safe throughout the journey. One way of doing this is by investing in a SpotyPal Bluetooth tracker. This tracker comes with features that will make it harder for you to lose your belonging. One of those features is the two-way separation alert. To use this feature, you can put your SpotyPal device in the suitcase and activate the feature using your phone.

This will ensure that if you happen to forget your luggage somewhere, you will be reminded through your phone before getting too far away. Similarly, if you get into a restaurant and forget your phone on the table, the device will ring to remind you about your phone before going too far.

Follow COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines

As mentioned earlier, the fact that the rate of COVID-19 infections is going down does not mean that the world is completely safe. Even if you are fully vaccinated, there are many variants of the novel coronavirus that are currently spreading, and scientists still don’t know if the existing vaccines are effective against all the known and unknown coronavirus variants. Therefore, no matter how safe you think your destination is, you still have to continue observing the health guidelines meant to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. For instance, you will have to continue wearing your mask, keeping social distance, and maintain high levels of personal hygiene.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that if you are planning to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, then there are several things you need to do to ensure that you are safe. For instance, you need to pick a safe destination and avoid dangerous places even within the so-called safe destinations. It is also wise for you to buy a travel insurance cover to protect you against travel-related financial losses. Last but not least, you need to invest in a SpotyPal device to enhance your own security and protect your belongings from getting lost.

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Terracom involved in New Product Development (NPD) course of HULT International Business School Thu, 22 Jul 2021 09:07:25 +0000 We are delighted to announce our new involvement with the HULT International Business School - mentoring during the 5-weeks summer courses on the New Product Development (NPD), bringing the students close to the industry. Terracom assigned projects to the students, who went over the stages of the New Product Development process (including the product [...]

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We are delighted to announce our new involvement with the HULT International Business School – mentoring during the 5-weeks summer courses on the New Product Development (NPD), bringing the students close to the industry.

Terracom assigned projects to the students, who went over the stages of the New Product Development process (including the product design, product features, business plan, marketing plan, branding, and business development strategy) and created the products.

The students presented their progress to Terracom’s account managers on weekly progress meetings and we participated in the assessment procedure.

We would like to thank Professor Dr. Eng. Evangelos Markopoulos for his kind invitation and, of course, all the students for their ideas, creativity, and great results.

It was a unique experience for us and we really enjoyed it!

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Crowd Finding: If your item gets lost report it to the Crowd-Finding Community to help you find it Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:14:22 +0000 There are many feelings that are associated with losing things: anxiety, sadness, panic, worry, and frustration, among others. Indeed, losing or misplacing an item and spending a lot of time looking for it can significantly drain you emotionally and even physically. But it is quite a common occurrence, and it is estimated that an [...]

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There are many feelings that are associated with losing things: anxiety, sadness, panic, worry, and frustration, among others. Indeed, losing or misplacing an item and spending a lot of time looking for it can significantly drain you emotionally and even physically. But it is quite a common occurrence, and it is estimated that an average human being spends about ten minutes looking for a lost or misplaced item every day. The good news is that even if you are prone to losing your everyday items, the situation is not completely hopeless since there are several practical solutions that you can apply to avoid losing or misplacing your things. For instance, you can reorganize your house and have designated areas to put various everyday items. You can also invest in a smart item finder, such as SpotyPal.

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth tracker that is designed to help users avoid losing their everyday items. When something on which the device is attached goes missing, the user can simply use his or her Smartphone to locate it in the most efficient way possible. Although there are other Bluetooth trackers in the market, SpotyPal has a number of features that make it stand out in the crowd. Crowd-finding is one of the most interestingly unique features associated with SpotyPal.

But what exactly is crowd finding, and how can it improve your life as a SpotyPal user?

What is Crowd Finding?

When you lose or misplace an item on which a SpotyPal device is attached, there are several ways in which you can try to find it. For instance, you can use the SpotyPal installed app on your Smartphone to find the last known location of the missing items, which can significantly make it easier for you to know where to start the search. You can also try to use your SpotyPal app to ring the device on which the missing item is attached, especially if the device is still within range. But what can you do if your item is lost completely and you can’t find them this way? In such a situation, SpotyPal’s crowd finding is a special feature that you can turn to. This SpotyPal feature is designed to ensure that a user who has lost an item on which a SpotyPal device is attached can ask other SpotyPal users to help him or her find the lost item.

How Can Crowd Finding Community Help You Find a Lost Item?

As mentioned earlier, even after attaching SpotyPal item finders to your everyday items, there is no guarantee that you will find the item with ease if it gets lost. For instance, if you have lost your key in a public park, then your SpotyPal application might help you to establish its last known location. However, if someone moves the key to another place far from where you left it, the importance of the last seen location feature will be limited. But this is where SpotyPal’s crowd-finding feature comes in handy.

If it is completely impossible for you to trace a lost item using your SpotyPal app, you can report the issue to the crowd-finding community. By doing so, you can rest assured that you will get notified through your phone if and when a SpotyPal user passes near your lost item. In other words, reporting to the crowd-finding community will enable you to cast your net far and wide without leaving the comfort of your house. If you are worried about your data privacy when reporting about your lost item to the crowd-finding community, this is an issue that SpotyPal has taken care of. They have addressed this concern by making the procedure anonymous and ensuring that the privacy of all the users is respected.

If you are on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, there is another way in which you can bring other people on board as you search for your lost item. For instance, you can post a social media message inviting your social media friends to download the SpotyPal application and help you in finding your lost item. Getting more people involved will significantly improve your odds of finding the lost item.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that losing an item can be quite a stressful experience. The good news is that this is a problem that you can avoid by investing in a SpotyPal device. By attaching SpotyPal devices to your everyday items, you will significantly improve your odds of finding lost items without losing your head. For instance, with SpotyPal’s crowd-finding feature, you can easily get other people’s help when it comes to looking for lost items. Invest in SpotyPal today to ensure that your lost items are easily traceable even if you lost them far away from where you are.

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Share device: Sharing your keys with your mate? SpotyPal allows multiple users to use the same device. Fri, 04 Jun 2021 09:27:56 +0000 So you have identified the item you are most likely to misplace or lose and decided to invest in a SpotyPal device to protect it. It could be your car key, a piece of professional equipment, or even your TV remote. You now need to attach the SpotyPal device to the item and install the [...]

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So you have identified the item you are most likely to misplace or lose and decided to invest in a SpotyPal device to protect it. It could be your car key, a piece of professional equipment, or even your TV remote. You now need to attach the SpotyPal device to the item and install the SpotyPal mobile application on your Smartphone. This will ensure that you can use your mobile phone to easily locate the item when it goes missing. But what if you have to share the item with other people? For instance, if you share your car with your spouse, can the SpotyPal device attached to the car key be helpful to both of you?

The simple answer to the above question is yes. SpotyPal has the share device functionality that enables you to share your device with other people. The person you want to share the device with will just need to open a SpotyPal account. You will then go to your SpotyPal application, choose the device you would like to share, and enter the email of the person with whom you want to share the device. From there, the person with whom you share your car will enjoy all the benefits of having a SpotyPal device, and your car keys will always be safe. In a nutshell, SpotyPal’s share device functionality will help you to always keep your stuff safe irrespective of who is using them.

Here are some examples of situations in which SpotyPal’s share device functionality can come in handy.

Avoid Losing Car Keys Used By Multiple Drivers

Replacing car keys these days is no longer a quick trip to the hardware store as it used to be years back. Car keys now have more advanced security features, and replacing them can cost you more time and money. This is why it is important to invest in a SpotyPal device. But unless you can share your SpotyPal device with other people, the device may not be helpful when you are not the one using the car. The good news is that SpotyPal allows you to share your device with the other people who will be using your car. This means that if they misplace your car keys and you are not around, they will still be in a position to find them using their Smartphones. Therefore, whether you are using your car alone or you share it with your family, a SpotyPal device will go a long way in helping you to keep your car keys safe.

Protect Car Keys for a Corporate Car

If your business has a car that is driven by several employees, the risk of losing the car keys can be quite high. This means that if you do not take deliberate steps to keep the car keys safe, you may be forced to spend a lot of money replacing them from time to time. To prevent such a problem, you need to invest in a SpotyPal item finder and attach it to the car key. This way, you will ensure that the car keys are easily found when lost or misplaced. You can share the device with all the drivers to ensure that the keys are protected irrespective of who is using the car. By sharing the device, you will ensure that any of the drivers looking for the car keys can easily find them whether you are around or not.

Avoid Losing or Forgetting Professional Equipment

SpotyPal has several features that can help you avoid losing or leaving professional equipment behind. Examples of such features include the not-to-forget lists and the two-way separation alert. Not-to-forget lists will enable you to create a list of the items you will need for a particular task and ensure that nothing is left behind. The two-way separation alert will ensure that you are alerted before going too far should you leave a piece of professional equipment behind. But what happens when the professional equipment is in the hands of other employees? SpotyPal allows you to share your device with the people you work with to ensure that they, too, can enjoy the benefits of the SpotyPal device without necessarily buying another device. Therefore, by sharing the SpotyPal device meant to secure your professional equipment, you will ensure that the professional equipment will be safe whether you are around or not.

Invest in SpotyPal

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that can help you to easily locate your missing items. When you attach the device to an item you are likely to lose, you can use your Smartphone to locate the item in case it goes missing.

The device also has a two-way separation alert, and therefore, it can also function as a phone finder. For instance, when you forget your phone, the device will ring to notify you before going too far. Therefore, in addition to helping you find missing items easily, SpotyPal can help with ensuring that you do not lose them in the first place.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that if you have bought a SpotyPal device to protect you from losing your valuable items, then you have made an excellent decision. However, if the item that you are securing is used by multiple people, then buying a SpotyPal item finder and installing the SpotyPal app on your phone may not be enough. You need to go a step further and share your device with the other people who will be using your item. This will ensure that your item is always safe irrespective of who is using it at any particular time.

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Nearby Alert: Save your time for more important things than searching for your belongings Fri, 28 May 2021 09:15:51 +0000 Have you ever misplaced your wallet, key, or TV remote, and you had to turn your house or office upside down looking for it? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. This is quite a common problem, and indeed, it is estimated that an average person spends about 10 minutes looking [...]

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Have you ever misplaced your wallet, key, or TV remote, and you had to turn your house or office upside down looking for it? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. This is quite a common problem, and indeed, it is estimated that an average person spends about 10 minutes looking for lost or misplaced items every day. While it is not possible to completely avoid misplacing things, your situation is not hopeless since you can now rely on modern technology to make it easier for you to find your misplaced items. Using Bluetooth item finders, such as SpotyPal, is one of the most practical solutions that you can think of.

Although there are many kinds of Bluetooth item finders in the market, SpotyPal stands out due to its numerous unique features. One of the most important SpotyPal features when it comes to locating misplaced items is the nearby alert. But how exactly does the nearby alert work? To answer this question, you need to understand how a SpotyPal device works.

When you buy a SpotyPal device, you will have to attach it to the item you are likely to misplace. For example, you can insert the device into your wallet. You then have to install a SpotyPal mobile application on your phone to connect the device to your phone. When you can’t find your wallet, the nearby alert will ensure that you get alerted when you get closer to your missing wallet. This will narrow the search area and save you the time you would have wasted looking for it elsewhere.

Here are a few examples of how SpotyPal’s nearby alert can help you.

Find your Misplaced Everyday Easily

Losing or misplacing everyday items and spending a lot of time looking for them may seem like an ordinary thing, but the truth is that it can be quite stressful. Indeed, it can weigh heavily on your mental health. While it is not possible to avoid losing things completely, it is possible to avoid losing your head it happens. This is one way in which SpotyPal’s nearby alert feature can come in handy. When you are looking for an item on which the device is attached, your phone will ring as you get closer to where the missing item is. This means that you will avoid wasting your time looking for your lost items in areas where they are less likely to be and instead focus on a small area to make your search more efficient and less stressful.

Identify Your Luggage at Airport

Waiting for your luggage at an airport can be quite a challenge, especially if your suitcase not unique. You might even end up taking another person’s luggage. Another person might also take your luggage accidentally. To prevent such an eventuality, you need to invest in a SpotyPal device. Once you have bought the device, you will just have to put it in your suitcase. In addition to ensuring that your suitcase does not get out of range without your knowledge, the device will ensure that you are alerted through the phone when your luggage approaches the reclaim area of the airport.

Locate Your Drone

If you own a drone, then you understand how difficult looking for it can be when it runs out of battery and you don’t know where it has landed. With a SpotyPal device, it can be much easier for you to find it. By attaching a SpotyPal device to your drone, you can rest assured that the device will help you to locate the drone using your mobile phone. Some SpotyPal features that can help you in this regard include the last seen location, crowd finding, or nearby alert. The crowd-finding feature will allow you to seek help from other SpotyPal users when you can’t find your drone, while the last seen location can enable you to determine the drone’s last known location using a map on your SpotyPal mobile application. 

The nearby alert will ensure that you are alerted as you get closer to the drone, and therefore, it will help you narrow the search area, which will consequently make the process of finding your missing drone less tedious.

Invest in SpotyPal

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that can help you to easily locate your missing items. When you attach the device to an item you are likely to lose, you can use your Smartphone to locate the item in case it goes missing.

The device also has a two-way separation alert, and therefore, it can also function as a phone finder. For instance, when you forget your phone, the device will ring to notify you before going too far. Therefore, in addition to helping you find missing items easily, SpotyPal can help with ensuring that you do not lose them in the first place.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, it is apparent that the nearby alert is one of the most important features of the SpotyPal item finder. Basically, the feature ensures that you are alerted through your phone when you get closer to the item you are looking for. Therefore, it makes it possible for you to narrow down the search area and save the time that you would have wasted trying to look for a missing item away from where it actually is. Therefore, by investing in the SpotyPal Bluetooth tracker, you can improve the quality of your life by reducing the stress associated with losing or misplacing your everyday items and spending a significant amount of time looking for them.

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Last seen location: What if you can’t remember where you left your keys or where you parked your car? Fri, 21 May 2021 07:29:54 +0000 Losing or forgetting where you placed your everyday items, such as keys and wallet, can be quite a frustrating and even embarrassing experience. Can you remember how bad you felt when you wanted to hurriedly leave your house for an important appointment only to realize that you couldn't remember where you had placed your [...]

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Losing or forgetting where you placed your everyday items, such as keys and wallet, can be quite a frustrating and even embarrassing experience. Can you remember how bad you felt when you wanted to hurriedly leave your house for an important appointment only to realize that you couldn’t remember where you had placed your keys, and you had to waste some minutes looking for them? If this sounds relatable, then you are not alone. Studies have shown that an average human being spends about 2.5 days looking for lost or misplaced items every year. The good news is that this is a problem that now has a solution.

If you would like to avoid wasting your time looking for your everyday items, you need to invest in Bluetooth item finders, such as SpotyPal. SpotyPal Bluetooth tracker has many important features, but the last seen location is one of its most important features. For you to understand how this feature works, you need to understand the basic components of a SpotyPal item finder.

SpotyPal is comprised of a Bluetooth device, which has to be attached to the item you would like to avoid losing, and a mobile application, which has to be installed on your Smartphone.

As long as the device is within range, it will keep communicating with the mobile application, and when the device gets out of range, you can use the map on your SpotyPal app to establish its last known location. Of course, you can have as many devices as you want, but you will only need one mobile phone and the SpotyPal app to manage all your devices.

Some of the circumstances in which SpotyPal’s last known location feature can come in handy include:

Finding Where You Parked Your Bike or Car

If you struggle with a weak spatial memory or you just have a lot in your mind, then trying to locate your car in a big parking lot can be one of the most aggravating driving challenges that you might have to deal with. Even for people with an average special memory, it is not uncommon to struggle when it comes to locating their bikes or cars after spending some time in a shopping mall. But with a SpotyPal device, you can avoid the frustrations and the embarrassment that comes with such an experience. You just have to attach your SpotyPal device to your car or bike and use the map on your SpotyPal mobile app to find the location of your vehicle.

Check if You Lost Your Valuables

You have just arrived at work and realized that you don’t have your laptop bag. You can’t tell if you left it at home or lost it on your way to work. Of course, this is a frustrating situation that can completely ruin your day, and all you can do is wish and hope that you left it at home. However, being able to easily determine what happened to your valuable item can help decide what to do next and avoid wasting your time on wishful think. A SpotyPal item finder can come in handy in such a situation. If you had attached the device to your laptop bag, you can simply use the map on your mobile application to determine whether you lost your laptop badly or you just forgot it at home.

Find your Lost Keys Easily

Losing your car key or house keys can be quite costly in terms of money and time. If you lose your house keys, you may be forced to call a locksmith urgently, which might cost you a few hundred dollars. The cost can be much higher when you have to replace your car key. To prevent such an eventuality, you need to attach a SpotyPal device to your keys to make it easy for you to establish their last known location using the map of your SpotyPal mobile application. You might even find your keys exactly where the map tells you.

Invest in SpotyPal

SpotyPal is a Bluetooth item finder that can help you to easily locate your missing items. When you attach the device to an item you are likely to lose, you can use your Smartphone to locate the item in case it goes missing. The device also has the two-way separation alert, and therefore, it can also function as a phone finder. For instance, when you forget your phone, the device will ring to notify you before going too far. Therefore, in addition to helping you find missing items easily, SpotyPal can help with ensuring that you do not lose them in the first place.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, losing, misplacing, or forgetting where you placed your everyday items can cost you a lot in terms of money, time, and mental health. The good news is that this is a problem you can solve by simply investing in SpotyPal Bluetooth item finders. SpotyPal Bluetooth tracker has many unique features that set it apart from other Bluetooth trackers, but one of its most important features in this regard is the last seen location. The last seen location feature is meant to make it easier for you to locate your missing items using a map on your SpotyPal mobile application. Buy SpotyPal Bluetooth device today, and save yourself from the stress of having to spend your valuable time looking for your everyday items.

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Two-way Separation Alert: What is better than finding your belongings? Never lose them! Wed, 12 May 2021 09:51:39 +0000 On average, people spend at least 10 minutes looking for lost items every day. Unfortunately, losing or misplacing everyday items and spending time looking for them can be quite a stressful experience. Therefore, by investing in smart solutions that can help you trace your missing items with ease, you can significantly improve the quality of [...]

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On average, people spend at least 10 minutes looking for lost items every day. Unfortunately, losing or misplacing everyday items and spending time looking for them can be quite a stressful experience. Therefore, by investing in smart solutions that can help you trace your missing items with ease, you can significantly improve the quality of your life. An example of such an item is the SpotyPal item finder. Unlike other item finders, which are primarily meant to help you trace your missing items, SpotyPal has the two-way separation alert feature, which is designed to help you avoid losing your things in the first place.

But what exactly is the two-way separation alert, and how can it be of help to you?

What is the Two-way Separation Alert?

For you to understand what the two-way separation alert is, you need to understand how SpotyPal works. The device is attached to the item you are afraid of losing. Then you need to install the SpotyPal app on your Smartphone. The application is linked to the device, and therefore, if the item on which it has been attached goes missing, you can use your Smartphone to locate it. Similarly, if you have misplaced your Smartphone, you can use the SpotyPal device to find it. The two-way separation alert is a SpotyPal feature that is designed to help you proactively avoid losing your phone and the items on which the device is attached.

How SpotyPal’s Two-way Separation Alert Can Help You

There are many situations in which SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert can come in handy. Some examples of such situations include:

Never Lose Your Car Keys

Car keys have gone high tech, and this means that replacing them when they get lost is no longer as easy as it used to be. For instance, to prevent theft, modern car keys have transponders that are designed to communicate electronically with vehicles. Therefore, your car cannot respond to a key if it is not programmed to match it. This means that replacing a lost car key is no longer a quick, cheap trip to the hardware stores. The process is now more time-consuming, and it can cost you hundreds of dollars. The good news is that by investing in a SpotyPal device, the risk of losing your car key can significantly be reduced. 

The SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert will ensure that you are alerted in case you leave your car keys behind. For instance, if you forget your car key in a shop, the device and your phone will ring to alert you before going too far.

Never Forget Your Wallet in a Restaurant

Losing a wallet is quite a common problem. About two in every three people have had their wallets lost or stolen. In a lot of cases, people forget their wallets on restaurant counters or tables. The good news is that by investing in the SpotyPal item finder, you can rest assured that you will never forget your wallet in a restaurant. By attaching the SpotyPal device to the wallet, you will be sure that if you happen to forget your wallet in a restaurant, the phone will ring as you go away from the wallet to ensure that you are alerted before going far away. Similarly, if you forget your phone on the restaurant’s table or counter, the device will ring as you move away from the phone. As such, by investing in a SpotyPal item finder, you can significantly reduce the risk of forgetting and losing your wallet in a restaurant.

Avoid forgetting your Laptop bag in a Coffee

Hundreds of thousands of laptops are lost every year. Therefore, if you own a laptop, there is a significant risk of losing it. One of the ways in which you are likely to lose your laptop is by forgetting your laptop bag at a coffee shop. To prevent such an eventuality, you have to come up with a way of ensuring that you do not leave your laptop bag behind. One way of doing this is by attaching a SpotyPal device to the laptop bag. This will ensure that your Smartphone rings to alert you before you go far if you leave your laptop bag behind. As such, SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert will go a long way in helping avoid losing your bag in a coffee shop.

Avoid Forgetting your Keys at Work or Home

How many times have you driven all the to your workplace only to realize that you left your office key at home, or arrived at home from work only to find out you do not have the keys to your house? This is quite a common problem, and it can really waste your time and stress you out. Fortunately, this is an issue that you can solve by investing in a SpotyPal item finder. By attaching your keys to the device, you will ensure that your phone alerts you before going far away if you forget your keys in the office or at home. This way, you can minimize the risk of wasting time going back for the keys or calling a locksmith to help you access your house or office.

Keep your Pet in Range

When your pet is playing outside, you may be worried about the possibility of it getting lost or even stolen. So how can you be sure that your pet is still around? While most Bluetooth tracking devices can help you with tracing a pet when it gets lost, only SpotyPal can help you with ensuring that the pet does not get lost in the first place. This is because once you have attached the device to your pet, SpotyPal’s two-way separation alert will ensure that you are alerted through your Smartphone if your pet goes out of range. Therefore, with a SpotyPal device on your pet and a SpotyPal app on your Smartphone, you can rest assured that your pet will not get out of range without your knowledge.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that if you would like to reduce the risk of losing your valuables, then it is wise for you to invest in a SpotyPal device. The device will help you to not only locate missing items with ease but also avoid losing them in the first place. Unlike other item finders, SpotyPal comes with the two-way separation alert feature, which will ensure that you do not leave your valuables behind. Invest in SpotyPal, and rest assured that your everyday items won’t get lost.

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An SDK is a smart way to take your product to the next level Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:53:45 +0000 The acronym, 'SDK' is very popular in the mobile marketing realm. But very few people know exactly what this acronym stands for. SDKs have a myriad of applications in our daily lives. For instance, SpotyPal devices that function using SDKs are used to track personal stuff that are easily misplaced like wallets, car keys, [...]

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The acronym, ‘SDK’ is very popular in the mobile marketing realm. But very few people know exactly what this acronym stands for.

SDKs have a myriad of applications in our daily lives. For instance, SpotyPal devices that function using SDKs are used to track personal stuff that are easily misplaced like wallets, car keys, and television remotes. They can also be used to send SOS signals. Read on to understand how you can take your product to the next level with an SDK.

What does SDK Stands for?

SDK means software devkit or software development kit. Software devkit comprises a set of executable programs. These downloadable programs contain developer tools needed to create secure and stable mobile applications. The developer tools include app documentation, repositories, code examples, programming languages, guides, and processes. Developers integrate these functionalities into mobile apps.

These tools are platform-specific. For instance, to create an Android app, you require Android SDK. Whereas, an iOS app is created using an iOS SDK. Other types of SDK toolkits are VMware SDK and Nordic SDK for creating stable wireless or Bluetooth products.

Differentiating SDKs from APIs

There’s a very thin line separating SDKs from APIs. Both technologies serve similar functions such as enhancing mobile app security and the overall user experience. SDKs and APIs are used to integrate innovative features into pre-existing mobile applications.

The difference is that with an SDK you don’t necessarily need to know what’s going on behind the scenes. The functions are pre-built. With an API, however, you need to tinker with the various tools to achieve the intended functionality. Therefore, APIs allow room for creativity. Simply put, an SDK may contain one or more embedded APIs.

Hallmarks of a Good SDK

Software devkits add value to both, your developers and business customers. A good SDK helps you to deliver quality services to your clients. An ideal SDK has the following features:

Easy to integrate and user friendly
Has a detailed source code documentation
It safeguards mobile battery life

It improves your CPU’s health
Is fully compatible with other SDKs
Improves your mobile app’s functionality

SDKs for Different Operating Systems

If you’re on an Android system, you should consider going for the following SDKs:


Apache Flex
Android Studio
Google Cloud

If you’re working with an iOS application, then you have the options of going with SDKs like:

Facebook’s SDK
AF Networking


Benefits of using SDKs

Reduced Costs

Creating mobile platforms with SDKs is much cheaper as compared to using APIs. Your business stands to make great savings with SDKs. Their affordability arises from the fact that the SDKs require less time to develop. Additionally, you need less coding done and that saves you on hiring costly developers.

Enhanced Security

In today’s digital space, there’s a heightened need to secure your mobile apps. Security breaches have the potential of adversely impacting your products. To create a hacker-proof secure system, you’ll need a whole team of developers. Plus, you’ll still need to hire experts to update and keep on testing the security systems.

That’s where SDKs come in to save the day. SDKs come with pre-installed security features to protect your products from threats and vulnerabilities.

Improved Marketing

SDKs help to speed up the launching of mobile applications. This technology saves you time and money that would have otherwise gone into commissioning complex mobile app infrastructure solutions. With SDKs, you don’t need to deal with repetitive tasks like performing A/B testing on the applications. SDKs exempt you from having to design and integrate complex features into your apps. That way, you get to focus on marketing your mobile apps sooner rather than later.

Seamless Integration

SDKs come loaded with pre-built functionalities for easier integration. These features simplify complex processes such as setting up authentication protocols. You don’t need developer skills to integrate SDKs onto your platforms. That’s because SDKs have pre-installed documentation, sample codes, and the necessary programming tools.


Your apps need to be constantly updated for top-notch performances. Regular testing and updates allow you to troubleshoot and fix potential bugs. Updates ensure your apps work reliably. The process ensures the apps provide a stable performance to your customers.

Shorter Sale’s Cycles

SDKs help to significantly shorten the sales cycle. The devkits allow efficiently, and quicker relations with prospective leads. A shorter sales cycle leads to increased revenues for your business.

Ready Support Backups

SDKs offer ready support to their users. The latest SDKs have in-built features to allow users to curate crash reports. Users get real-time reports on their app’s behavioral analytics. You can custom configure your SDKs such that you receive regular updates for reliable and stable app functioning.

Builds Brand Credibility

There exist millions of apps on Google Play and the Apple app store. It’s in your best interests to ensure that your hosted apps are as efficient and reliable as the millions of other apps out there. Otherwise, Google and Apple will most certainly remove your hosted apps or the end-users won’t bother to download them.

Make sure you put up a world-class application that’s supported by a stable SDK for optimal results. SDKs not only add great value to your hosted apps but also allows your software to be integrated with other third-party applications. High-performing applications eventually help to grow your brand’s exposure giving it better credibility.

Why you Need a Good SDK

A good software development kit or software devkit adds tremendous value to your products. A good SDK helps to grow your product’s credibility in the marketplace.

Apps with SDKs help to protect your sensitive information and private data from infiltration. SDKs are cherished by companies for their cost-savings benefits.

The alternative to using SDKs would be APIs. Integrating the latter is more complicated and you can’t avoid paying developers to get the job done. SDKs on the other hand are pre-built installations and even a layperson can unwrap them to get them working.

Final Thought

Be digital savvy. Never again should you have to wrack your brains trying to recall where you placed your car keys, wallets, or any other personal items. Get yourself a SpotyPal device and you’ll always be a dial away from locating your precious personal items or calling for help when you’re in distress.

The post An SDK is a smart way to take your product to the next level appeared first on SpotyPal.
